Meeting Him

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So far she had Peer Communication and Literature with Hannah. It meant that on the remaining time she was completely alone and making new friends sounded horrible. (Y/n) entered the biology lab wearily, she really didn't look forward to sitting next to someone at the moment. She hoped that the teacher would leave her alone. The less attention she adverted to herself the better since she was definitely not in the mood for exposing herself as the new kid.

As (y/n) glanced around the room looking for an empty seat on the back, her gaze topped with a familiar pair of dark eyes. The jock from that morning was staring back at her with curiosity displayed across his face. She sighed before scanning the lab again and deciding that she preferred to sit with him on the very front, rather than waiting for the teacher to arrive and notice her uncertainty.

Without a word, she just slid on the seat next to Jock Face. (y/n) looked at him from the corner of her eye, he seemed even bigger up close. Two minutes later the teacher entered and the class started.


Even though the Krebs cycle seemed something really exciting, the (h/c) couldn't help but let her mind wander to other things that she actually cared about. (y/n) began doodling on her notebook, unaware of the curious guy beside her, who understood the citric acid cycle perfectly. When she finished drawing her completely unoriginal crab riding a bike, she heard the guy chuckle.

She gazed at him questioningly, but he didn't look away from the board. Instead, he simply leaned a little bit into her and whispered. "I like it, your crab cycle I mean."

"Thanks." said (y/n). She couldn't think of anything else to tell him so she just tried to focus back on the class, which seemed of no avail whatsoever.


Ten minutes before the class was over, the teacher announced that the seats everybody was in would be designated for the rest of the semester. "There will be absolutely no changes and I suggest that you start bonding with each other since your table partner will also be your working buddy." a few groans sounded across the room, although (y/n) noticed that Jock Boy didn't utter a sound. "Speaking of which, our next topic is the DNA, so you'll be assigned to make a model of the DNA molecule and bring it so we can discuss it in class. You may now arrange the details with your partner."

The class erupted in a low chatter. (y/n) turned at the guy the same moment he did. Although it felt extremely awkward to her, he didn't show any sign of being bothered by her presence.

"So," he started. "crabs cycle, huh?"

(y/n) scoffed softly. "Yeah, too corny?"

"Probably but I liked it." he broke into a full grin. "Are you going to keep gracing us with your art every class?"

She pretended to think for a moment before answering him with a smile of her own. "Only if I don't understand what's going on, which will probably be three out of four classes."

"Luckily for you, I'm really good at biology, so I'll give you a hand. We're together in this after all." he paused as he raked his hair with his fingers. "My name's Zach by the way. Zach Dempsey."

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you." Zach smiled yet again, and that moment (y/n) decided that she loved his smile.

"You're new here right?" she nodded. "We should exchange numbers. I'll text you later to discuss the project, I have practice after school so we won't be able to meet this afternoon."

"Oh sure." (y/n) quickly wrote down hers on his notebook, "Practice for what?" she said feigning nonchalance.

"Basketball. I'm part of the varsity team."

The bell rang and they both packed their stuff before heading towards the exit together.

"Where are you heading next?" Zach said after they reached the hallway. (y/n) shrugged before she took out her class schedule from her pocket and handed it to him, who scanned it quickly. "Apparently we have Communications, Biology and Home Economy together. Not bad, I guess that we'll be seeing each other around. But as for right now, you have World History with coach Patrick, I'll take you there if you want."

She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Yes, please. This school is a freaking maze."

"Well then," he winked before gracing her with one of his gorgeous smiles. "please follow me, M'lady."

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