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I know I said I'd finish it and update it every day but I've not had time to write it all so here's the next chapter. Next one will posted as soon as it's done! Promise!

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She sighed, it had been a tough day. Nothing in particular was wrong, she was just a bit sad. Some people, she imagined, wouldn't have the ability to go on but she had something they didn't. She had five idols who had the capability to make her laugh, smile and change her mood completely. She almost pitied people who didn't have people in their life like The Wanted that could help them because she had no idea how she would cheer herself up without them.

She opened up her laptop and then YouTube and typed in a mere two words that would bring her absolute assured happiness, even if only for a few minutes. Wanted Wednesday. For those of you who may not be aware of the magic of such an event, I'll explain. Wanted Wednesday is a tradition for the TWFanmily, every Wednesday since pretty much the start of the band, the band have been uploading videos or flips to their YouTube channel. They would contain a compilation of the weeks' events and would be sent out in the Wanted Wednesday mailer where Jay would write down some things that they did. The majority of them contain the boys' antics and therefore most of the videos are extremely likely to make you laugh. There are hundreds of these videos on YouTube and it quickly became a sort of right of passage for a new member of the TWFanmily to watch all of these videos so that they can understand the inside jokes such as the Lost Children's Meeting Place, and so that they can see what the boys are like and how they work as a band.

She scrolled down at random until she found one that she hadn't watched in a while. It was from 2011 and called #WantedWeek- Day 7- Jay's world. I imagine a lot of fans couldn't pick out the content from the title but as the seconds ticked by she realised it was the flip containing the infamous, and quite frankly ridiculous, skittle draw and Tia.

Tia, the lizard, was sprawled out on Jay's bed and she could tell by the tone of his voice that he loved her, he then filmed her rooms that he had lovingly constructed. She hoped he was okay, the whole fanbase was heartbroken when they heard about her death, she couldn't imagine how Jay must've been feeling.

Then he filmed the skittle draw, he opened it slightly then closed it but Jayne protested and asked him to open it again. (Jayne is another person a true TWFanmily member must know of and worship.) She was shocked obviously, it's not often that you see a draw half filled entirely with skittles. Of course Jay acted as if it was normal but Jay was not particularly normal so it was okay, she took comfort in the fact that Jay hadn't changed and he still had a container filled with Skittles.

Then came the story that the Fanmily would never forget: the time Jay kneed a toddler in the face. It was by accident of course but none the less it was absolutely hilarious. He was carrying a large TV when it happened and he couldn't see the poor girl who, in Jay's words, "wont. stop. screaming." The fans never forgot that moment since it was just so funny and Jay was still mortified when it got brought up in conversation.

"Oh God that was embarrassing!" A voice said, coming from beside her. The voice was very familiar but she didn't have time to think about who it was, she just screamed. There was a stranger in her room to be fair, her reaction was called for. She turned her head and scanned her surroundings, her eyes landing on the person in the room. An involuntary gasp escaped her lips when she processed what she was seeing, it wasn't possible.

"Christ on a bike! Oh my God, I'm going crazy. I am going crazy. I-I... What?" She felt her eyes widen to the point that she was wondering how they hadn't fallen out of her head. She couldn't quite believe that she was actually seeing this, surely it was some form of trickery, there was no way that it was true.

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