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New update already! Keep your amazing comments coming, I love them! This update's not the same as no flips are involved and I'm pretty sure they won't be included for Nathan and Max either. I hope you like it!

BTW my first fanfic just hit 50K and I am just like dying right now! If you haven't already, go check out "Two Shoes", it's not finished yet but it's about 3 chapters off being complete.

She was exhausted, the day felt like it had dragged on and on and all she wanted to do was sleep, in fact she didn't really want to wake up in the first place. Thank goodness she had done everything she needed to for the following day already, she wasn't sure if she'd manage to get through it if she had to do it then. Her mind was everywhere; she had been completely unfocused and unlike herself all day, her friends seemed to agree and gave her distance so that she wouldn't end up biting their heads off or something. She wasn't angry that day or anything, she was just tired sometimes she would snap at someone unintentionally. Lazily, she threw her bag on the floor and flopped onto her bed, covering her closed eyes with her arm to shield them from the harsh, bright day-light.

She would have fallen asleep right then and there, if she didn't hear her stomach grumbling loudly. She needed to feed the never quite satisfied beast that was her stomach, you know the feeling, I'm sure. She knew that she would have to eventually however she didn't want to get up and decided to see how long she could rest for before she just had to eat something.

Not even half an hour passed before it had become too much and she simply had to get some food before her stomach growled so loudly that the people who lived next door heard it. She had tried everything to distract herself: playing her music (mainly The Wanted, of course); thinking about random things that ultimately left her feeling confused or uncomfortable; she even tried sleeping despite the fact that she would be woken up by the sounds of her irritating family members who appeared much louder than they had before.

She sighed and heaved herself up from her lying position on her bed, she knew her family wouldn't be best pleased with her rumpled covers so she smoothed out her favourite red polka dot bedspread before heading into the kitchen. She looked around and nothing caught her eye that would take only moments to prepare, if that long at all. She knew that she was becoming increasingly hungry by the second and therefore settled on an inevitably dry and bland ham and cheese sandwich that would simply satisfy the beast.

After having placed the sandwich onto a plate, even though it would be demolished within the minute, she headed back into her bedroom. However, she did not expect to see, although she probably should have, another member of The Wanted. To be precise, it was the stunning Siva Kaneswaran who's jawline and cheekbones were even more perfect in real life, it was hard to imagine that that was possible. She nearly dropped her plate out of shock but fortunately she didn't, she would have been furious if she had ruined her perfect snack.

At first she wanted to run towards him and hug him like she had always dreamed of doing but that was before the evil voice in her head reminded her that it wasn't really him, it was just another fantasy. It had been harder to forget about Tom's visit, she couldn't pass it off as a random moment of insanity since it had happened more than once. At school, she tried to pretend that nothing was wrong but her friends were beginning to see that something was taking its tole on her although they weren't sure what yet. Her family didn't think much of her behaviour, they just figured that the break was becoming harder for her to deal with. For her, it was like torture, not knowing when she'd see one of them again, not knowing whether it would escalate beyond just imagining boy band members, she hated it. In attempt to either make him disappear or forget about her unpredictable spells of insanity, she ignored him and continued walking towards her bed, She sat down upon her soft bed and then started to devour the sandwich, undoubtedly looking very unladylike and disgusting.

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