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I've been really busy lately so this isn't fantastic. I'll probably go back and add more/edit more once my science exams are over.

Please comment, vote, share and fan! x

It wasn't a good day. A mix of multiple different reasons, both personal and fan related accumulated in several shed tears. When you're upset, you become irrational and it becomes difficult to think that anything could ever get better. She knew that it was only temporary and she would find something that would restore joy into her life but at that present moment in time, she couldn't think of a single thing that could turn things around for her.

Her head felt cluttered with too many different things but eventually her mind wondered to the thought of what the three boys had done for her in the times that she'd seen them and she wondered if Nathan or Max would make an appearance any time soon. It had been two weeks since Siva had visited her and she was beginning to think that maybe she had put an end to her insane fantasies. However, at the same time, it was times like those that made her wish that they'd come to see her and cheer her up once again. Jay, Tom and Siva had really put a smile on her face and it wasn't a fleeting smile that left her feeling momentarily happy and then a lot worse in comparison afterwards, it was a smile that had lasted days. Despite being left confused and feeling like she should be put in a asylum, she felt happy at the same time and that wasn't something she could take for granted. Her friends and family were very confused, they were aware that she had become rather depressed since the start of the year and her sudden mood changes for no apparent reason were rather startling. 

It seemed to her as if hours had passed, although it had only been half an hour or so, and she was still crying and there had been no sign of anyone or anything to make her feel better. She brought her knees into her chest and rested her head upon her arms and continued to cry, she had tried to stop herself and tell her to get over herself but the tears just kept on flowing. She wasn't even particularly sad anymore, she just felt empty and depressed and unable to snap herself out of it.

She shivered involuntarily as she felt her hair move slightly, had there been a draft? She didn't know but she didn't bother to look up, she was emotionally drained of all energy. A pang of excitement shot through her, she knew that she shouldn't get too hopeful but she had a feeling that it was either Nathan or Max. She wasn't certain but it was then that she felt a bizarre sensation; someone was rubbing and playing around with her ear. She didn't want to get her hopes up but she knew that there was only one person that it could be. She didn't know of many people with a fetish for feeling up ears and after what she had experienced before, it was extremely likely that her initial assumption was correct.

Slowly, she lifted up her head and saw the face of the person she had hoped and expected to see. A rush of excitement and happiness shot through her and she couldn't help but smile straight away.

"Max." She gasped. Even though she had expected to see him or whatever it was that she was doing, it was still a shock to see him looking so realistic and accurate. He was even more gorgeous up close and you could simply tell by his face that he was charismatic and just a wonderful human being.

"Do you know how much a polar bear weighs?" Max said, ignoring her response as if it didn't make a difference no matter what she had said. He kept a straight face which meant that she couldn't tell if he was asking a genuine question or not.

"What?" She asked, did he expect her to know the answer? Or was it some sort of joke that she was supposed to know about? She felt uncertain and she really didn't want to embarrass herself in front of him, real or not real.

"Enough to break the ice." Max replied, his face breaking into a smile. Realisation hit her, he had been telling one of his famous, stupid dad jokes. She was glad that there would be no awkward silence to begin with because she wanted every moment with him to be perfect and memorable.

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