Home sweet- wait what?

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"Home, sweet home," I said to no one in particular. I opened the massive doors to my ice palace and smiled. Everything was as it seemed. Waterproof furniture had been moved here so we wouldn't have to sit on ice furniture. I had added several more rooms; a dining room, kitchen, two guest bedrooms, a playroom, and a living room complete with a fireplace and several board games. I smiled remembering last Christmas, when Anna, Kristoff, and their kids had been here and we played Monopoly until dawn. I headed to the master bedroom, where my ultra comfy made to order bed was sitting.

I jumped onto my bed and settled in. Before I knew it I was snoring fitfully, for I was very tired from the trip up here. Here in my palace I was free, no one could impede my freedom. I could wake up whenever I wanted to, sleep whenever I wanted to, and did whatever I wanted to do. I woke up smiling, for this was the place where I was truly happiest. As I walked out onto my balcony, I looked into the distance at the vast mountains spread before me. It was peaceful, quiet, serene even. I went to the kitchen to fix myself some hot cocoa.

"Mmm," I said to myself. I headed back up to my room and sat on my bed for a minute, quietly sipping the delicious drink. I closed my eyes and walked out to the sunshine once again.

"Why hello there, I didn't know anyone lived here," a voice said.

I smiled, eyes still closed, "Well now you know."

We sat in silence until I realized what what happening.

There was a stranger on my balcony, there was a stranger on my balcony!

My eyes flew open and I saw a boy crouched upon the icy railing in a blue hoodie and brown pants. He smirked at me with blue eyes similar to my own. Dazzling white hair stuck out from his hoodie, he was holding sort of a shepard's crook in his hand.

"Are you done checking me out, darling?" he said, cocking his head to the side. "Because a picture would last much longer."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as he grinned.

"I was not checking you out," I assured him as I pushed him slightly. He lost his balance because of the slipperiness of the ice but caught himself with his staff. He flipped himself over the railing and slowly stood up. There was an enormous height difference, he had to crouch to look at me.

We were stuck staring at each other until he stepped back and stuck out his hand.

"My name's Jack Frost, how do you do?"

I took his hand tentatively and shook it, "Elsa, Queen of Arendelle. I'm.. Fine I guess."

"That's cool," he said, cracking a smile. I stared at him, confused, until he said, "You don't get it?"

He laughed as I shook my head no.

"It's a joke, cause we're in an ice palace," he grinned like a five-year-old, so I simply smiled because of his adorkableness.

"By the way," he said, "nice place."

He looked up and down the walls, scanning the ice and the detail I had put into it. I was to busy observing him to hear his question. It wasn't until he turned around to look at me that my cheeks grew red and I looked down.

"Um, can you say that again?" I said quietly, twiddling with my fingers.

He smiled, "How did you find this."

I squirmed in silence, losing the ability to speak. "Um, I, um, made it."

He turned and looked at me with wide eyes and a growing grin. "You have ice powers too!" he exclaimed, rushing toward me with an excited look on his face.

"Um, yes?" I said, unsure of what to do. And what did he mean by 'too'?

"Show me, show me, show me!" he said eagerly, bouncing up and down.

Now was when I grinned. ~This~ was what I was meant to do. I looked down at my clothes, the ones I was wearing at the castle this morning.

Perfect, I thought to myself. With a determined smile on my face, I performed transformation of clothes I had done so many times before. I stepped back and made a quick ice mirror to admire my handiwork. As I was posing, I saw Jack behind me with his mouth practically dragging on the floor (quite an impossible feat, considering his height).

I giggled as Jack stuttered, "Th-th-that was amazing!"

He ran over to me and picked me up and spun me around. I was surprised, to say the least. He skipped and danced around the room, and stopped and yelled giddily,

"In your FACE Bunny!"

He then grabbed my hands and we danced around the room. We stopped, panting, and he grew serious and grabbed my hands and told me,

"Run away with me."

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