Down the Rabbit Hole

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Ha! I really like the title of this chapt, js xD


I laughed as I heard Elsa's faint scream. I landed on the soft grass and waited for her. When she came down I looked at her, amused. She looked adorable, to say the least. Her braided hair was frazzled with small bits of mud and snow (how that got there, not so sure) and she was pulling at her sweater and brushing off the dirt. As I stood up, I towered over her. It was cute how she would try to make herself seem more tough to make up for her size.

"You ok?" I asked, smirking. She frowned even more and snapped.

"I don't need any of your sass," she turned an strutted away with her hands folded across her chest.

"Do you even know where you're going?" I asked, yawning and leaning lazily on my staff.

She stopped for a moment, but then continued after shouting behind her, "Home!"

"Why do you wanna go home?" I whined, "Aren't you having fun with me?"

I grinned and started to follow her, riding the wind instead of walking.

"I am the guardian of fun after all," I bragged. I was pretty proud of it, being a guardian and all.

"Psh," she scoffed, "what is that even supposed to mean?"

I gaped at her in surprise, "You've never heard of the guardians?!"

She rose her eyebrows and shook her head no.

As I spoke, I counted them off on my fingers, "Santa Claus, the Sandman, the Tooth Fairy-"

"And me," Bunny interjected, smiling cockily.

She laughed at us then rose her eyebrows in surprise when we said nothing.

"Are you serious?" she asked disbelievingly, "I thought those were only fairy tales told to make children behave."

"Well we're obviously real," Bunny said.

"Wait so you're," she paused, remembering the names of each guardian, "the Easter Bunny?"

He nodded and spun his boomerang between his fingers. She laughed and shook her head,

"I don't believe it, but okay, whatever you say."

"So come on then," I said, "let's go look around Kangaroo's place."

We walked down the pathways, accidentally (maybe) staining Elsa's clothes and her yelling at me, her pushing me into the colorful river, and all of us having a big dyed water fight. Though it wasn't Easter, Bunny got out some of the walking eggs for Elsa to play with.

Bunny and I watched her laugh and play from a distance while talking.

"She's quite a handful, eh mate?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Yes, yes she is," I replied, not taking my eyes off her.

"So why'd you pick her up?" he questioned.

That snapped me out of my trance,

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that she's just a regular human with nothing special. You'd be better off with Tooth."

"Regular human?" I asked confusedly. Oh! I never told him about Elsa's ice powers! I grinned wildly.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Now why're you grinnin' like that?"

"Elsa!" I yelled, gesturing for her to come over. She stood up, giggling as the eggs also jumped up and tried to climb up her legs. She knelt down and allowed a few of them to climb into her hands. When she walked over I could sense that she was less guarded now, her face held a playful expression and her eyes sparkled.

"What's up?" she asked, smiling.

"I made a bet here with Kangaroo, do you remember?" I rose an eyebrow and smirked. After a few seconds her mouth made an 'o' shape. She grinned wildly, and I'm pretty sure my expression mirrored it. She set the eggs down and thought about what to do. Her face lit up as she rubbed her hands together in preparation.

She stomped her foot and ice started to form under her feet. I turned to see Bunny's eyes widen as it travelled underneath his feet. He stumbled and fell, one of his ears flopped over his eyes. Elsa laughed as he fell, snapping her fingers and giving her and I ice skating blades made of ice. The tiny eggs stumbled but otherwise kept on their feet. She skated to where Bunny was and held her hand out to help him up. He still wore the same surprised look on his face.

"Y-you have ice powers," Bunny managed to get out. He looked at me and smiled,

"Not too shabby, Jack. Not too shabby."


This chapt is pretty fluffy. Don't really have much to say. Hope you enjoyed (:

Keep Calm & Read On,


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