The birthday

138 19 3

Jenna went for shopping so all of us gathered to discuss about her birthday.

"So any ideas of what to do?" I asked.

"I have one!" said Jason.

"Let Eric decide, after all he knows her the best among us" added mum.

"Well, even if we celebrate her birthday normally, she would enjoy it because she hasn't celebrated her birthday for a really long time."

"Oh then maybe we should celebrate her birthday normally..." Just as mom said that, Jenna entered.

"What made you guys sit here together?" She said.

"It's nothing." I assured her.

Eric took Jenna out for a walk while we were busy decorating the house, preparing for her birthday. When she came, her mouth opened wide open.

"OH MY GOD!!" she shouted. And we sung the happy birthday song for her. She looked so happy! We were celebrating her birthday and didn't realize that it was pretty late so we decided to cut the cake. We had brought a red velvet cake for her as Eric told us that she loved that flavor. As we opened the cake, she smiled.

"I love the cake!! Red is my favorite color after all... it's the same as that of blood"

Jason rolled his eyes and it's good that she didn't see him do that. All of us enjoyed the party and she liked the gifts we gave her as well. The party went awesome! It was eleven at night and we had school the next day so we decided to go to sleep. I was heading back towards my room when Jenna grabbed my hand. I turned around, rubbing my eyes as I felt sleepy.

"Let's talk!!" said she in excitement.

"Oh okay" was all I could say before she pulled me inside her room.

"So, where do you normally live?" I asked.

"A huge mansion!"

"Oh sounds nice!"

"yeah.. I love the swings in that mansion and the banyan tree as well!"

"Oh wow! I would like to see your house someday.." I said, smiling.

"And what do your parents do?"

Her smile turned into a frown. I realized that I had asked a wrong question.

"Well, they aren't in this world anymore..."

"I'm sorry to hear that" was all that I said.

"It's pretty late now, we should probably sleep now.."

I nodded my head and went out of the room, heading towards my bedroom. I always made a braid before sleeping as I don't really want my hair to get messy in the morning. I went in front of the mirror and held the hairbrush in my hand. That's when I realized something. A bruise. Yeah, there was a bruise on my hand. Right from where Jenna held my hand. But it was weird, because it wasn't paining at all. I quickly brushed away all the questions and went to sleep.

The atticTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon