The bruise

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I got up early in the morning which wasn't much of a surprise as I'm a morning person. I got ready pretty fast and went downstairs and smelled the delicious tart that mom had made. I wasn't getting late but decided to head for school early. So I stuffed the tart in my mouth pretty fast and rushed towards my room to grab my backpack. I took my backpack, checking if I had missed something but luckily, I didn't. I was all ready for school and left for school.

Just as I was walking on the corridor, heading towards my class, Devan came with a worried look on his face.

"Why do you look so worried? Did someone steal your video games?" I teased.

"You worried me."

"Huh?" I asked with a questioning look on my face.

"You didn't talk to me yesterday nor you messaged me. Wouldn't that worry me?" He said with a look of concern.

"Why would it worry you? by the way, I am alright!" I said, smiling. The way he cared always made me smile.

"Then what is this?" He asked, pointing at the bruise on my hand. "You got hurt and you're smiling?"

"I'm not hurt. This is just a bruise of when my friend held my hand." I assured him, telling that it was nothing.

"Holding a hand doesn't leave that kind of mark." He said studying me, figuring out if I was alright or not.

"I'm alright! It doesn't even hurt! It's just a normal bruise."

"No it's not... Remember the bruise on Lucie's neck?"

It didn't take me long to realize that he was trying to tell me that maybe Jenna was a spirit. But I would rather have laughed at it because it was a nice joke.

"I'll figure it out..." I said.

The bell rang and we entered the class. Mia walked towards me with a huge smile on her face.

"I knew it for a long time!" She said.

"What are you talking about?"

"We all know that Devan likes you!"

"Oh, no we're just good friends.." I said but Mia noticed the blush on my face.

"Don't lie!" She teased.

I was about to speak but our teacher entered the class, telling us to sit on our seats. I headed towards my seat near the window. I was thinking about what Devan said. It couldn't happen. We moved to a new house to prevent all this. It was nearly impossible for me to believe that she was a spirit but without any proof, i couldn't just believe what he said. Time passed fast and the bell rang as me and Jason cycled back to home.

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