Ouija Board

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It was time for the Ouija Board session. Around seven in evening, Devan and Mia arrived. We got everything ready, and around eight, we started the session. Just as last time, I was the one asking questions and Mia was the one writing down the replies. I kept on asking if anyone was there but we got no response.

"Caroline, I think you should say goodbye. We aren't getting any responses as for now. We could try again soon, you know?"

That was a pretty good idea. I was about to shift the planchette to "Goodbye" when suddenly, the candle on the top-right corner of the board blew off. Something stopped me from saying goodbye.

"She comes in the dark.." Devan removed his hand from the planchette before saying goodbye, reaching for the torch. "DAMN IT! THIS ISN'T WORKING!" The planchette moved slowly towards each corner of the board which told us that the spirit had the control of the board. Using my force, I started shifting it to the goodbye, but before I could do so, the planchette fell on the ground. Mia looked at me with fear in her eyes. Another candle blew off. There was only one candle left and I knew for sure that if it blew off, we would be in trouble. Those words Haidly wrote flashed in my mind again as the last source of light vanished too.

"We need to get out of this room!"

Mia was the first one to leave the room. The next was Devan but before I could exit, the door shut slam right in front of me. I yelled, asking for help but all of it went in vain. I was locked again.

"Hello Caroline..." I heard the whisper in my ear. I turned around slowly, facing darkness. Before my eyes could allow me to find a light source, they focused on the mirror. There was someone standing right behind me. Those pitch black eyes, the messy hair... All of it reminded me of what happened last time. I turned around but saw no one. For some reason, I decided to talk to Jenna to know why she wanted to harm all of us. I faced the mirror, seeing her right before me, covered in blood.

"What do you want with us?"

There was no reply... I could see it. The satisfaction on her face on seeing me so scared. I was about to ask the question again when I saw her placing her hand on my shoulder. I could feel it... Her hand... I touched my shoulder and felt the blood. I ran towards the mirror, getting away from her. But it didn't help. She started coming closer, step by step and I couldn't move. At a point, she came close to my ear and whispered

"Tag, you're dead."

Was today going to be the last day of my life? I closed my eyes as they started tearing up. I was about to lose all hope when I heard the door creak open. I turned around and saw Mia and Devan there. I couldn't help but cry. Hugging them made me feel better. As I stepped back, I saw the tears in Mia's eyes.

"Lucie... She's...." Devan looked at the blood on my shoulders.

"How did that happen?" But there was no time to listen. I ran to the attic because somehow, I knew that she'd be there. I looked at her with the pitch black eyes, the messy hair and the scars. The next thing I saw was the axe in her hand. Standing in the center of the room, she raised the axe.

"NO!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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