part 9

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The party ends successfuly.Shagun thank everybody for coming.She hugs Kushi and say a spcl thnks for being there with here always.Next she hugs Ishu and says thanks for supporting her in her wrk.Ishu smiles. Kushi cries. Mihir laugh at Kushi for crying for silly reasons. Others also join him in the laughter game….

Next day morning(Sunday )
Arnav wakes up and think abt Kushi.
Arnav to himself:Y am I thinking abt her….
Akash interrupts his thoughts.
Akash:Bhai.I am gng to temple.Can u drop me?.
Manoj:I am also coming. Bhai plzz drop us…
Arnav:Yah yah……By the way Akash whats this Payal drama?
Manoj:Not drama bhai laa.. (Akash stamps on his foot)…ouch…
Akash:Nothing bhai
Arnav:Tell na…I am ur bro….I can help u
Akash:Kushi helped me with this…..
Arnav:Oh….so u like Payal ah?

Akash blush
Manoj:Hayy hayy Akki is blushing….
Arnav:Come I will drop u both

In temple,
Ishu and Shagun were praying with Bhalla aunty and Uncle.They met Ishu coincidently. Kushi, Payal and their mom was also there.Akash and Manoj enter.Raman and Arnav were waiting outside for their family.
Kushi:Where is Arnav sir?
Manoj:He doesn’t believe in god
Akash:He think tht if god was there our parents might not hav died.If god was true he wouldn’t hav stolen our happiness.
Ishu who was hearing all this take Kushi aside,
Ishu:Hi Kushi. I am Ishita. I know Arnav from childhood.We both studied together.I think u can change him.Yday I saw how u andArnav were talking abt Akayal and Arnav breaking down to u.I think u can be a better friend for him than me.Arnav is a pure hearted person. He can be a very good friend for u.Can u plzz help me in changing him.I will gve u plan u just hav to execute
Kushi:Yah sure.I looove executing plans…

Ishu:Its not game.Its life dont forget
Kushi:Yah I know
Shagun interrupt them:Hello whats happening. ?
Ishu:Actually. ..y isnt ur bro entering temple.
Shagun:He dont believe in all these.He think tht if god was true there Will not be poverty in India bla..bla..bla
Kushi:Raman bhai is No.1 bhuddu(fool)
Kushi:Here there are ppl who hav their own reason for not entering temple and Raman bhai is thinking abt country
Ishu:Be proud to be an Indian. Its not bad to think abt country.All of us should think abt our country and do something.

Shagun:God! Dont become a lecturer now….
Ishu smiles. Kushi laugh
Ishu:Ok thn I am leaving
Kushi:Me too.Bua has come
Shagun:God! I thought of coming today. But now I hav cancelled my plan.
Kushi again laugh. Ishu was in a Kancheevram red sari.With jasmine flowers on hair tied to the back like a bun.She was going down in step.Raman see her and is mesmerised.Arnav move towards Ishu. Arnav and Ishu talk for a while.Arnav leave whn Akash and Manoj came.Ishu search for her sandal.And see tht on other side where Raman is standing. Ishu smiles at Raman.Ishu wear her sandal and leave from there.Raman looks on.

Its evening,

Arnav was gettingready to go somewhere so as with Kushi and Ishra……….
After sometime,
Ishu and Arnav meet in a place and hug eachother. Few kids run to them and hug them.They gve tht kids many chocolate sweet and toys.Arnita go inside and talk to a lady.The lady gives them a card.
Ishu:How many times will u gve us this card maam.?
Lady:As far as u ppl keep on coming here to The Peace Orphanage…
Arnav:We love coming here being with these kids.Talking to u the same thing over and over..
Lady laugh
Ishu:Afterall how can we forget our Maths teacher.
Lady:Maths teachers are the only ppl who get curses from children the most…
Arnav:Sach hai (its true)

Ishu:Its been a month since we hav come here.
Lady:Ya…busy life right
Arnita nods.
Just then Raman enter with Kushi.Arnita are shocked to see them
Lady:Come in Raman and Kushi
Kushi:Thanq maam
Raman:Hi Ishita
Ishu:Hi Raman

Lady:U ppl know eachother?
Arshi and Ishra nod
Lady:They just came this month Raman and Kushi
Lady:They were my students in school.They are visitors from last 5yrs.From the day we strtd.Subbu was also with thm but unfortunately he passed away.
Arnav holds Ishita’s hand.Ishu nods she is alright.
After spending time in orphanage Kushi looks for rickshaw to go .Just then a group of boys come and say vulgar things.

Boy:Haseena come with me I can take u to a bfu place.where we can play in….where do u want?
Kushi:U blo*dy bastard
Boy:Ur body is attracting me
Kushi:Go get lost u scoundrels

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