part 18

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Raman comes out of the room and says:Ishu is conscious.
Shagun runs and hugs him crying.Raman console her.
Mrs.Iyer:Thank God!
Raman:Yes Aunty…..Thank him….
Shagun looks at Raman shocked.
Arnav comes there followed by Kushi.
Arnav:Hws Ishu?(worried)
Raman:Ishu is conscious now….Dr will come to check her.
Arnav:I am relieved.
Kushi:Ishita ji is very strong
All nod.
Raman takes Shagun aside.
Shagun:Wht happened bhai?
Raman:I love Ishita.I wanna propose her.
Shagun:Ok…..ths really the best news ever…wht r u gonna do?
Raman:I love u k.k.k.k.kiran (SRK style)
Shagun:Offo bhai its Ishita
Raman:Yah….in excitement….u know na…
Shagun:Yes yes bhai…..go now prepare for the spcl mrng
Raman:Ok my sissy!

Next day morning,
Ishu wakes up and is shocked to see her friends and family around her.
Ishu:Y are u ALL here?
Arnav:To see this bful nurse….Ofcourse Idiot to see u
Ishu:Am I tht bful? All of u are dying to see me?
Arnav:I was dying here thinking I will lose my bestfriend.
Ishu:Uff….what a filmy line darling…
Arnav:Now u think its filmy….but wht I and ur family hav gone through only we can understand.
Anjali:Ishu it was not fair to attempt alone.Let my bf dump me we will do it together
Arnosh:Shut up Anju….
Akash:How dare u
Manoj:And whose the one to dump my princess
Arnav:I will kill him
Anjali:No….I mean dont..poor guy he will be living somewhere waiting for me.
Ishu:Did u guys come to see me or ..?
Kushi:These people are mad…..Anyways get well soon.
Ishu’s mom sits beside her and rubs her hair and cries.Ishu consoles her.They hug.Her father holds her hand controlling himself. He leave the room.
Shagun comes there and says:Guys plz move out.All of u may go home and change I will be here.We are gng to take her for scanning it will take 2-3 hrs.
All nods except Arnav

Arnav:I will stay with Ishu
Ishu:Aru go out…..
Arnav:Dnt call me Aru chi!.And only nani calls me like tht
Ishu:Go know Shagun is here I will be alright.
Arnav:Ok byee
Ishu:Bye Arnav
Arnav leave. Ishu sits in wheel chair and Shagun takes her to the scanning room.All the nurse who see her gve white rose on the way.Ishu looks at Shagun surprised.
Shagun:I dont know
Ishu:Who can be this person?He/She know I love white rose.
Shagun:A secret admirer? May be na?
Ishu nods.At last near the lift many patients are standing with a big boquet of white rose.Ishu smiles.The patients move and Raman stands there in the centre.
Raman moving forward:Ms.Ishita.Iyer….I hav only known u frm the past few weeks.
Raman:Lemme complete it yaar.
Ishu:Ok ok
Raman:I haven’t talked and befriended any girl like this before.. its truth dont tease me……I haven’t been touched by a girl before (Ishu widens her eyes…Raman realises what he said)…..I mean nobody havent influenced me like this

Raman:Lemme complete it.
Ishu:Ok ok
Raman:U have a spcl place near my heart…..I….I…..I love spending time with u and want to spend my entire life with u.I
know u can handle an angry young man…I love u Madrassan. I love u a lot…..From the moment I saw u till my last breath and when u say No for this proposal I will be dead
Ishu:Was tht a proposal or a threat?
Raman:U can take it both ways
Ishu beat him saying idiot fool stupid.
Raman:I really love u yaar….and want to marry u.
Ishu (Shocked):I thought u were joking. But u are serious.?
Raman:Will I joke on my life….
Ishu:No but….Raman I haven’t thought abt u like tht….
Raman:Do u care for me
Raman:Do u like spending time with me?
Raman:Do u know abt me?

Ishu:Yah.. .kind of
Raman:Kind of?…its ok.Do u feel protected being with me
Raman:These are yes /no questions.
Ishu:Are u forcing it on me ?
Raman:No….but yes…I love u from the bottom of my heart
Ishu:Nice….I like it.But being with u and feeling protected are all diff from the feeling of love…
Raman:So tht means u are rejecting me?
Ishu:Ofcourse No.
Raman:Thn did tht mean a Yes?
Raman:Thn what the hell did u mean?
Raman:I am not chetan bhagat to write a season 2 for tht book….
Ishu (laughs):Ok Raman. I need time
Raman:I can wait for u my whole life
Ishu:Chi! U are a filmy freak.
Raman:I am really romantic u know?
Ishu:So funny
Shagun see all these from a side and thinks:this duffer Ishu….I know she has feeling for him but…..kair just leave
She turns and hits Manoj he holds her in his arms.Shanoj share an intense eye lock

Precap:Arnavlifts Kushi and runs on road.What happened to Kushi? Is it Kushi’s craziness? Stay tuned

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