part 23

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All are ready. Ishu comes to Shagun.Kushi also comes there.They hav booked a traveller bus.

Ishu:Shagun. Actually Arnav and Manoj hav some wrk in Shimla.It was a sudden decision. Will u mind if they come with us?
Ishu:Plz…..I beg u
Shagun (looking helplessly at Kushi):Ok Ishu
Ishu happily hugs Shagun and Kushi. She sees Raman on opposite side.He give a flying kiss.She widens her eyes.She break the hug.Ishu move towards Raman.
Ishu:Ok Mr.Raman.Kumar.Bhalla. …did u 4gt abt ur dare?
Raman:My 3rd step to sucess….u remember my wrds.
Ishu:Duh! Something else please
Raman:Ok thn u will confess it 2day ….
Ishu:Actions are more powerful in this case
Raman:I Will make u confess my darling
Ishu:Dont call me like Tht
Raman:Ok babes
Raman:My chweetie cutie
Ishu:Call me Ishu…ok
Kushgun laugh seeing this.

Arnav comes there along with Manoj. Shanoj and Arshi are quiet awkward facing eachother but doesn’t show tht infront of others.Ishu hugs Arnav .
Arnav:Hw are u?
Ishu:After seeing this face not so perfect
Arnav smiles
Ishu:Now I am perfectly alright my bestyy…..
They all enter bus.Shagun gves her USB for playing songs.Ishu calls a doc and tells him tht they hav started their journey. Ishu, Arnav and Manoj sat together, Kushi, Shagun and Nk behind thm.Raman beside the driver in the frnt seat.It was an innova actually.
A song plays….Kehte hain kuda ne …..Kuch toh hai tujhse raabta plays…..Raman turns to look at Ishu who wassitting opposite to him nd was enjoying the song.Raman admires her beauty.Arnav think abt his moments with Kushi.How he holds her on the interview day (Hope all of u remember).How he lifted her..How she behaved weird on drinking alcohol. And finally how they kissed. Kushi had fallen asleep by tht time.Shagun reminces how she met Manoj and how unknowingly they shared a passionate kiss….Shagun was confused abt her feelings.Manoj was staring at Shagun through his phone’s selfie cam.All wre enjoying the song. ….
Kushi (in sleep):I didn’t kiss u intentionally sir…..I…..I dont know what happened at tht moment with me.I am sorry for whatever happened yday.
Ishgun hear this and laugh.

Ishu:y did u kiss me intentionally?
Shagun:What happened yday Kushi?
Kushi holds both Shagun’s and Ishita’s ears.
Ishgun:Leave us na
Kushi leave thm and smiles.Ishu pinch Arnav and ask him to show his ears
Ishu (in ears):I came to know tht U and Kushi kissed eachother. ..
Arnav:Ishu shut up!
Kushi:U said to Ishita ji?
Shagun:Yah….sorry. I knew abt Arnav and Manoj earlier tht they are cmng.So I had to tell Ishu abt the Kiss.Only she can save u….from this Kadoos
Kushi:Ok ok…..Btw he is very sweet ok…
Shagun:Hay hay Kushi rani is having softcorner for Mr.Kadoos ah?
Kushi blush.
Kushi; Shut up Idiot. Nothing like tht…..
Ishu turns.
Ishu:Its boring lets play something na…..
Manoj ; Good Idea
Ishra:No something else
Ishita-Ramanstare at eachother.
Kushi:Ok… team Will say songs and the other team hav to act.Ok?
All nods.
Shagun:Me, Nk, Kushi in one team
Ishu:Add Arnav also…
Ishu:Ok thn Me, Manoj and Raman in other.
Arnav:Y me in other grp?
Ishu:If we r in same grp.It will not be intrestng. U know na?
Arnav smiles
Raman:How will u tell me the song?
Kushi:We will message in whatsapp?
Shagun:Good Idea
They start the game.
Shagun’s team calls Ishu first and say the song.
Ishu shows Kaise teri somehow to show Kudgarzi Ishu points at herself. Manoj understand and he say the song
Raman (to himself):Y selfishness to Ishu….oh….she is driving me crazy. Sometimes bitter past sometimes angry avathar….I dnt know how I am gonna control her after marriage (smiles).
Ishu:Ok.we call Arnav.
Ishu to Manoj:Will gve him Chumma chumma de de….
Ishu winks at Shagun. Shagun gve a confused look.
Ishu to Arnav(in ears):A very easy one chumma chumma de de……
Arnav:Ok…whatever u say madam.

Arnav pouts 2 times.Kushgun and Nk doesn’t understand.Thn Arnav shows Kissng Nk.
Nk:Kitna acha kaam da.Chi! this is the way how u act. (Tht was a good act)
All laugh
Ishu; Not acha…..My god! Mr.NK its gandha(dirty)
Arnav again shows the same.
Kushi:Chumma chumma de de…..
Arnav:Thts my gal
All:Awww… gal.Ah?
Arshi blush

Precap:A surprise

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