part 28

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After 2 days,
Arnav’s house,
Anjali:i wish everything happens according to plan
Akash:Me too.I cant marry Ishu di……
Nani:hone wali biwi ko koi di bulathe hai paagal(does anybody call ur to be wife sister?)-winks
Akash:Nani!aap bhi(u too)
Nani:Tht was a joke my beta……my biggest treasure is ur happiness.I cant see a drop of tear or a inch of sadness on all ur faces.If i see i will kill the person who was the reason for tht.
Anjali:Nani…i will miss you.Once i go to Mihir’s house…….
Manoj:ok so u hav planned all those ah?Did u guys forgot today is ur Roka…..lets move on with the plan.Arnav bhai is on the way.

Akash:come on Anju lets go.
Nani:Where is Aru?
Arnav: Nani. I am here
Nani sees Arnav hiding behind the sofa.
Nani:what are u doing Aru? We hav to reach the venue in time………
Arnav:Nani…..Ishu is gng to come here……
Nani:for what?
Arnav: with Kushi for killing me….
Nani(laughs):Are u scared of Ishu or Kushi?Tell me the reason also.
Arnav:Yday i proposed Kushi…

A day before,
Arnav and Kushi were returning to their homes..Arnav was dropping Kushi home. Arnav wanted to drink a coffee.Kushi asked Arnav to stop in tht Kaka’s shop were they drank coffee last time.Arnav stops car there.Kushi gets down along with Arnav they hav chai and are abt to leave,
Arnav:Are u planning to buy vegetables today also?
Kushi(laughs):No Arnav ji.We shall leave.
Arnav takes car and moves forward.He sees a flower shop and thinks something.He reaches Kushi’s house and stop there.Kushi gets down.
Kushi:I am on leave tmw.Please excuse me sir……
Arnav:Its ok.i know its roka right………

Kushi nods.
Arnav goes back sees the flower shop and stops.He buys a bouquet.And go bck to Kushi’s house.He calls her and asks her to come out.Kushi comes out and sees Arnav with a bouquet…..Kushi widens her eyes……
Kushi:Ji…..nobody is hospitalized here…..
Arnav takes a rose from the bouquet and give it to Kushi.Kushi is about to say something Arnav keeps his finger on her lips.She widens her eyes.Arnav winks. Arnav give her another rose and says:u are the most bful girl(.gives another rose)…u are the girl who hav given light in my life….(gives another rose)……u are the girl who hav understood my pain…….(again gives rose)…….u are the only girl whom i hav kissed….(kushi blush…..again gives a rose)……u are the only girl who i love……yes kushi i love you……
Kushi:what the…….
Arnav(laugh):i love you dammit!
Kushi runs to hug himThey share a bone-crushing hug……….Jeena jeena 9badlapur) plays……..
Kushi breaks the hug and says:I love you too Arnav ji…..
FB Ends…

Anjali:How romantic…i wish i also had proposed Mihir like tht……
Akash:But whats the problem…….y is Ishu di behind you? school i had a bet tht i will not propose anyone and if at all i propose Ishu can beat me hard…….
Nani:Stupid bet
Arnav:Nani we were only in 8th at tht time.
Akash-Manoj-Anjali laugh.
Nani;how did Ishu knew all this….
Arnav:Kushi via Shagun via Raman via Ishu…..
Ishita enter along with Raman and Shagun.Raizada’s hide Arnav.
Ishu:Nani we are late….lets go na….where is Arnav….i am waiting for him…..i want to say congrats for his new journey……

Arnav gets relieved.He gets up and sees Ishu with a stick
Arnav:Baap re i am dead…(shouts)…Nani helppppppp!!!!!!!
Others laugh.Ishu runs behind Arnav as she wore lehanga she couldn’t run fast.She falls down.Raman runs and lifts her.
Raman:Are u alright Ishu?
Ishu:Yah….come on guys lets go….

Arnav:Thank you Carpet you saved me….
Ishu:Arnav ke bachche i am not gonna leave you ok?Let this plan succeed…..thni will see u…..
Arnav:I will run away…..
Iahu:lets see….
Raman:Guys stop fighting…..come on we are late.Anjali ji Mihir aksed me to give you this…
He gives a ring….in which Mihir’s name is written…..She smiles happily……All get happy seeing tht.
Raman:He hav askd u not to wear it….he himself will do it….

Anjali:tell ur brother…i can wait for him my whole life……
All smile…..Ishu holds Raman’s hand…..Raman smiles at her.All reach the venue.
Kushi welcomes all.Arnav winks at her.Kushi stares at him lovingly.Ishu hits Kushi playfully…..Kushi blush.They enter the auditorium.Akash sees Payal and is mesmerized.Anjali and Mihir stare at eachother.Mihir signs she looks great.Anjali thanks him.Payal sees Akash with Ishu and gets teary eyed.
Payal(to herself);Why did i do it to him and myself…i know god will never evr forgive me for this……bhagwan ji make Akash ji always happy.
Akash(in mind):I will not let you away from me Payal……bhagwan has made us together….he will not split us so easily……
Akayal gets lost in each other……….Raabta plays………

Precap:Roka confusion

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