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     A black and white speckled shecat lifted up her head with a soft yawn.Sunlight was starting to stream into the nursery from camp as a small damp breeze caught her fur.She heard water trickle from the ceiling as warriors outside the nursery debated on how to stop the cave ceilings from dripping water constantly in the nursery,afraid the newborn kits would catch a cold if they got wet.The shecat looked at the water droplets as they slowly built up at the top and then fell towards the ground onto her little kits nose.The little kit  scrunched up his nose is disgust and wiggled closer to her belly with a tired sigh.The shecat felt a sudden wave of pity for the little kit and quickly licked its nose dry as an apology.The little kit raised its head blindly at her, revealing a black face with a white jaw with black markings on it, that made it look as if the tom had spider fangs.The little kit let out a tiny mew and bit into the shecats tail fiercely.The shecat let out a chuckle and swiped him with her tail gently as the kit let out a small mew of protest. Te Queen felt a sudden nudge against her pelt and turned to see her smallest kit nestling into her belly for warmth as he shivered vigourously. It was obvious that the violent winds of the surface and the pouring rain trickling down the tunnels into the nursery had made the den colder. The kit had a thin grey coat with black paws, tail, and two large spots surrounding his eyes. As the Queen gently caressed her small, delicate kit her pale green eyes began to flood with worry.

     It had been raining much more then usual lately,which worried her clanmates.Mild flooding was common in the tunnels and the water would come halfway up their legs at most. They would then live up at the surface for seven sunrises or so until the flooding went away.However,lately it was raining nonstop with drenching rain,forcing the warriors to primarily hunt in the deeper parts of the tunnels for bats and moles.

     The dark brown shecat with large ears beside her let out a bothered sigh of annoyance as she cradled her three kits.She had given birth to many moons before the black and white speckled shecat did,so they were constantly tugging at her ears and tail,fighting with each other,and wrecking nests with ants all over camp.The fluffy brown shekit with white paws let out a squeak as she sat on top of her two brothers,who were both squished under her.They squealed in protest but the little shekit wouldn't let them go.The mother let out an exasperated sigh,it was obvious she couldn't wait to be out of the nursery.

     The black and white shecat let out a chuckle, secretly excited about having to deal with a ball of energetic fluff tugging at her fur every two seconds,nagging her with endless pointless questions. 

     Suddenly,as the shecat laid her head down to rest once more she pricked her ears as a chorus of terrified, screeching cats flooded her ears only to quickly be drowned out by a louder, ominous noise quickly approaching them.

      The shecat quickly scooped up her little kit and jumped to her paws as a small black and white patched tom rushed into the nursery,drenched and terrified.

    "The tunnels are flooding!" The tom yowled over the loud roar of water pouring down the tunnels,"Quickly head to the surface while you can!"

    Suddenly,water gushed into the nursery which moments later,reached up to the top of their paws.

     Without further hesitation the shecat brushed by the tom and dashed out of the nursery with her squirming kit in her jaws.Cats streamed out of their dens rushing up the main tunnel towards the surface,as the hole in the ceiling of the cavern which her clanmates could watch the moon and stars light up the cavern,poured more and more water into the cavern.

      The shecat watched in horror as the stream of water began to rise to her chest and the current slowly became stronger,threating to push her into the murky water as she struggled to go up the tunnels.Suddenly,a strong wave of water rushed down the tunnels lifting her off the ground as it pushed her further down the tunnels.She desperately held on to her kit as she felt her grip loosen on its tiny scruff.   

Moonclan's fall (Hollyleaf's second life sequel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ