Camp life

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A ginger, tabby tom swished his tail leisurely as it lightly grazed the shiny, crystal-like water beside him, sending small ripples across the surface.

"Are you watching the clan again?" a faint voice came from a distance.

"Of course" The tabby mildly replied "There are too many troubles coming to not be concerned for them, Froststar"

"Have faith in them. They are strong" Froststar assured the tom wistfully as she appeared from the dense fog surrounding the pool to sit by him.

Froststar carefully dipped her right paw into the water. The water focused on a small, black kit with white markings, sleeping restlessly in his nest. "Do you see that little one? I think he would make a great leader in the future. Don't you agree, Flameleap?"

The tom scoffed and splashed the kits image away from the pool. " He's far too arrogant. The clan could be burning down and he would claim that he was an excellent leader. " He muttered disapprovingly.

Froststar chuckled, her sleek white fur, shimmering with the light of Starclan "Reminds you too much of yourself? Don't worry, I will ensure he will get a mentor that will tone that down a bit. I wish I did the same for you!" She added slyly.

Fireleap rolled his eyes with irritation.

"Besides, his brother would also help him as his deputy" She purred thoughtfully. "Though he is fearful, he would be cautious enough to help Spiderkit think through his decisions before committing to anything rash"

Fireleap lifted himself to his paws, "This isn't going to end as happily as you hope it will you know?" he passively commented, before padding off into the foggy mist which Froststar had appeared from.


Spiderkit half-heartedly rolled onto his back and lazily stretched out across his grass nest, lined around the edges with newly bloomed spring meadow flowers which tended to make him sneeze. He could see slimmers of the maroon tinted dawn sky between the thin crowberry branches that stretched above him, trapping him inside. Preventing him from leaving the nursery. He knew from experience that though the branches were thin, the brambles that surrounded the outer side of the nursery would prevent his escape. He rolled to his side with a dulled glance. Mildly hopeful that the cranky, bitter tom: Redfang would be dozing near the exit, forgetting to keep watch to ensure that none of the kits escaped when the other Queens were sleeping.

His hope quickly faded as he saw the tom crane his head around towards his direction and gave a cold, accusing glance at him, as if he already knew what he had been hoping for.

Guiltily, he shifted his attention back towards the gaps between the branches. He should of never tried to sneak out a couple moons ago just as the clan was beginning to wake up. He was so close to getting completely down the hill and into the dense grass that covered the ground, before being spotted by the dawn patrol.

Now he could never leave with Redfang guarding the exit. His little evening adventures were over, he dejectedly thought.

Redfang let out a short, solemn sigh. Spiderkit remembered how Redfang vigorously protested against being placed in the Nursery to watch over the kits while the Queens slept. He had just become a warrior then and clearly wanted to enjoy the privileges of it. Ever since then, the tom had a deep grudge against him.

Suddenly, he something bump against his side. Annoyed, he shifted away. It was his brother: Sootkit again. He had the horrible habit of snuggling against him at night, causing Spiderkit to wake up dizzy and parched from the abundance of heat provided by Sootkit's radiating body heat and suffocating fur.

Moonclan's fall (Hollyleaf's second life sequel)Where stories live. Discover now