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I'm cleaning out my guns when Micah enters my bedroom without knocking. I frown and lift one of them up, aiming it at his head.

"Get out of my room Micah, you could at least knock."

He scoffs and leans forward, slapping the gun out of my hands. It hurtles towards the floor but I quickly snap down, catching it between two fingers before it can hit the floor.

"What do you want?" I mumble, placing it down onto my bed with the rest of them. There's a story behind each gun, all of them hold memories for me.

"We have a new assignment for you."

He leans back against the beige wall, crossing his arms over his chest. The muscles in his arms tense and I look at him from under my lashes.

"We?" I question, turning my back on him. I pretend I'm busy folding up my laundry but Micah is suddenly by my side, taking the clothes from my hands.

"I need your full attention here Hunter. Do you understand?"

I get the urge to roll my eyes at his strict tone of voice. I whirl round, narrowing my eyes at him.

"First of all Micah, no-ones around. You don't have to act so. . . fake with me. You're eighteen, not forty five. Stop being such an adult." I tell him. 

It's his turn to roll his eyes at me. He drops my clothes and they scatter across the floor, landing in a messy pile. I don't bother retrieving them, that's where I keep the rest of my clothes anyway. My bedroom floor.

"Who's we? And what assignment? I thought I was training for the next few months. I've only just finished one Micah. If I didn't love my job so much, I'd complain that you're over-using me."

"Hunter, you know you're the best we have." Micah says softly, his eyes flickering to the floor before glancing back up at mine. I pause, slightly taken aback by his unusual honesty. His voice is sincere, almost apologetic for putting me onto another assignment immediately.

"If you're trying to boost my ego, it's working." I mumble, taking a seat onto my bed. I wrap my arms around my body even though I'm not cold. It's a habit from living on the streets, I never out grew it. Micah sighs and sits next to me, his scent slapping me in the face. He always smells like peppermint and shampoo.

"It shouldn't be too dangerous Hunter, go and see Veronica later to get the brief."

"I prefer the more dangerous ones," I say bluntly, turning to face him. He's leaning back against my wall, his legs tucked up onto the bed. For a minute, he looks like a normal eighteen year old guy. But then I remember that he's a trained assassin, probably the best in the UK.

"See it as a holiday," Micah says casually, shrugging his shoulders. I glance at my suitcase that's on the floor, still fully packed from my last assignment.

"Where am I going this time?"

"North and you won't be going alone."

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Every one of my assignments beside from my first one have been solo. So what's changed?

"Who the hell is coming with me and why?" I scowl, the thought of babysitting another agent angering me. I don't want to play Mum to a newbie, I simply don't have the time or patience. Micah pauses for a few moments before jumping off my bed. He lands softly on his feet, heading for my door. Just as he's about to leave, he looks over his shoulder, his eyes shining.

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