Chapter One: The Last Child Indeed

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This story begins many years ago before our main character was born. The story starts off in Corsica, France where a little girl named River who one day dreamed of becoming an engineer. But, when River turned 12 years old, France got into a war with Spain, and Corsica was in the middle of the two enemies. River's home soon got destroyed. Not long after that both of her parents got shot, and River was on her own. Luckily, one day an elderly man came across River, and had enough money to send her off on a plane to the United States of America. When River got there a man named Ryan Scott took River into his home in Columbine, Aveling. So, until River was ready for college, it seemed like it was Mr.Scott and River against the world.

River went through a lot of things the first year she moved from Corsica, France. First of all, she had to learn a whole new language and she got teased for not looking like the other children. River had blonde hair and pale skin. She always wore a red beret, a black dress, and a polka dotted scarf. The other kids had brown hair and American styled clothing.

Years passed, and each year she fit in more and more, and in River's last year at Columbine High School, River got voted "Most Likely to Succeed". River's grades were all perfect A's and she got an Academic scholarship to D.E.C.T (Digital Engineering College of Technology) University. But, in her second year of college, in one of her classes, she met William Hoefer, a design engineer from Peach Creek, a town that was an hour away from the college. River was partnered with William in a design project, and realized they got along very well with each other. On the pair's second day of the project, Will ask River out on a date.

From there, the partners really hit it off. In their third year of college, William inspired River so much that she started to write about things he talked about. When River gave her first book to William he loved it so much that he told River to become a Fictional Author. So, River took his advice and she joined the Language Arts and Literature program. One year later, River graduated D.E.C.T as an author, and her fiancée William, graduated D.E.C.T as a certified design engineer. Little did the two of them know that their lives were about to get a lot bigger.

2 months passed and William and River had an amazing French styled wedding. At the wedding they also had a beautiful cake and an amazing playlist of songs. As the couple walked down the aisle, William with this black tux and green tie, saw how beautiful his wife was in her blonde hair and her long white dress. As River walked down the aisle, she looked into William's big brown eyes, and saw how loving and caring he was. River also thought that this short brown hair looked handsome. After they couple was pronounced husband and wife, it was time to eat cake.

Four months after the wedding, River Hoefer announced that she was pregnant with her first child

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Four months after the wedding, River Hoefer announced that she was pregnant with her first child. William came with River to one of the ultrasounds, and was surprised how big the child was. That was also the day that the doctor told Rivera that the child was going to be a boy. William couldn't believe he was going to be a father.

After five months of feeling the baby kick in River's stomach, it was finally one week before the baby was due. But, this morning, River had just figured out that she had gotten the stomach flu from her friend Paige. Yesterday, when she went over to her house, to bring Paige some soup, she had touched her blanket, and had not washed her hands after. So, this morning, River was lying in bed with the stomach flu.

At 8:00 a.m. that morning, reader, something happened. Something happened that would change River and William's life forever. River vomited her way into labor. River then shouted to her husband, "It's time! Bring me to the car!"

After, they got to the hospital, River had her healthy baby boy named Johnny. His dark brown hair came from his dad and his beautiful blue eyes came from his mom. River and William could believe they had their first son. But don't stop reading yet reader. There is still a lot more of surprises to come.

When Johnny was 4 years old, his mom, River had twin girls, Cameron and Lily. They were identical with blonde hair and brown eyes. The only thing different about them is that Lily had bangs and Cameron didn't. When the twins were born, Johnny promised that he would be humble, loyal, kind, and very considerate and patient to his new siblings. He also promised he'd teach his siblings as much as he could, even if they didn't listen.

After the twins were born, the children just kept on coming. When Cameron and Lily were 2, River had William Neel Hoefer Jr. When he was born, his parents could see his muscles. For newborns, that isn't usual. River knew the Will (William's nickname) would be a star at some sport, and one day he'd make it big. With red hair, like River's mother, and blue eyes like his mother, he looked charming and was tough like both.

When Will was 1, River had Gracie, and she had brown hair and brown eyes, like Johnny, her parents could see love and kindness in her eyes and knew at first sight that she was going to change the world, in the emotional way.

Finally on that one miraculous day, our main character was born when Gracie was 3. River had planned to have triplets, and the family was very excited. But, once they were born, all of the children were taken away from the mother, even though the doctor didn't even tell river why, before leaving the room with all three children. When the doctor came back to the room, River cried, "My babies! Show me my babies." The doctor only handed back one.

"If I didn't grab them, they would have all died." The doctor tried to explain.

"All that work for nothing. Such a disappointment." River said as she grabbed the mirror from the nightstand near the bed. "Will, get me my makeup bag, my face is a fright."

Johnny then asked his mother with a worried look in his eyes, "Will you name her?"

River answered, "Of course I will name her. Her name shall be Joli. After the word Un Joli, which means beautiful in French. This shall be my last child. My last disappointment." As you can tell, disappointment was one of the French woman's favorite word. She only looked down at Joli's bright blue eyes and blonde hair for a second before focusing on the black rings around her eyes.

When River came home from the hospital she lay Joli in a small cradle. The doctors had said she wouldn't open her eyes for another week. Joli was small, and had sneezed the whole car ride home. She also was very cold and shivered frequently.

"I don't get why we had to have a new baby in the house anyways." Lily said.

"Yeah all they do is poop and scream" Cameron replied while texting.

"Well, it wasn't that bad. She'll just need some extra care her first year and then she'll be completely normal like the rest of you. Plus, it's another source of cuteness in the house. Isn't it Gracie." Johnny cooed.

"Me touch!!" Gracie yelled pointing to Joli in the cradle.

"No, no, no, Gracie. Baby sick and need to sleep." Johnny told her.

"I, Will the great, think this baby is weird. How weird is it that she can't open her eyes for another 1-2 weeks? Isn't it weird that she shivers and sneezes a lot? This baby hasn't even cried or laughed or smiled yet. Are we sure she's not disabled?

"Will! That is a nasty thing to say. They had to do advanced operations to keep her alive. She was only about an hour old when they did their first operation on her. So what if the other two didn't survive. We're lucky because Joli's alive. I would call her a miracle.

Reader, later in this story, you'll find that Johnny will not give up on Joli, even if the others tease. But for now reader, remember the word miracle. It will become very important.

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