Chapter 2: Aunt Hillary and Uncle Lester

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That night, Mr. Hoefer's sister and her husband came over for dinner to see "the triplets". Gracie watched anxiously at the window in the living room while Will and Johnny played PIG in the driveway. (Will had gotten the basketball hoop for his birthday last year in September). The twins were in their room (that they shared with Gracie) texting their friends. Mrs. Hoefer was in the recliner chair taking a nap. Next to her was Joli's crib. Right now Joli was laying down, with two heavy blankets on her, waving her small, fat hands in the air. It almost seemed as if she were telling the world, I'll catch you, don't be afraid.

About 15 minutes later, Gracie yelled, "They're here!! AUNT HILLARY!!!! UNCLE LESTER!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!" While taking laps around the house and waking her mother up.

Will ran in the door saying, "Mom! Johnny almost got hit by Uncle Lester! Can you believe it! We were so close to getting rid of him! Dang it!" Johnny walked in the door just as Will said, "Johnny almost got hit by Uncle Lester!" Boy was Johnny mad. He smacked him on the butt and said, "No I didn't you idiot!"

River, who was very tired, wobbled up the stairs in her pajamas to tell the twins to stop playing on their Leap Pads or else they'd be zombies if they didn't listen.

Then out of nowhere, Joli started to cry for the first time in her life.

River rushed down the stairs the fear that something was wrong. When she came down, Will yelled,

"Gracie hit Joli!"

'Mommy it no tuth. Wii hit her. Saw do it." Grace pleaded, wanting her mother to believe her.

"Fine! I did it. It was only because she was dumb. Plus I made her cry for the first time anyways. You should be thanking me."

Uncle Lester and Aunt Hilary looked at each other in confusion.

"So you only had one child that was messed up anyways?" Uncle Lester asked.

"Yes. The other two died because they didn't survive the operation to try to make them live. Little Joli was the only one who lived. Such a disappointment." River said.

Aunt Hillary slowly stepped toward the crib where Joli lay. Jolie had her eyes glued shut and was making a whimpering sound after Will hit her, tears staining her cheeks. Of course she was rolling all around. But her Aunt found it weird that her eyes stayed shut. "What's wrong with her anyways?" She asked.

"Well, as you can see, she is very, very small. She is the smallest newborn I have ever seen! Nobody in my family back in France was that small when they were born." River stalled.

"I'm pretty sure that she's the smallest human I've ever seen. I don't get it I'm about 6' 1." William said getting the idea that the couple should stall.

"I bet when she grows up she won't be as tall as the others, but it is fine because I will always love her even if she is a disappointment."

Aunt Hillary walked to the crib and picked up Joli. She was way too small to fit in Hillary's left arm. There was no point in putting her in both arms, she wouldn't even take up ½ of the space. Suddenly, Joli started to sneeze and cough. "What is wrong with her? What did I do?" She asked frantically.

"Nothing, she'll always cough and sneeze like that for a long time." River said as she covered her mouth. She didn't want to say that. She uncovered Joli's secrets.

"Well, River, if she is always going to be like this, bring her to an orphanage. This is the worst conditioned child I have ever seen!" Aunt Hillary was furious of the way Joli turned out.

"Don't worry sis. She won't always have her eyes and ears closed like a puppy. It'll just be for a few weeks." William said as if it was better than what had just happened.

River slapped her head and shook it, embarrassed that her husband confessed all of the child's small problems.

"Wow! I was wrong after the whole eyes and ears thing, I think I'll bring her to the orphanage myself." Aunt Hillary with Joli still in her hands, started to walk out the door. William sprinted to his sister, and snatched the child like it was candy.

"Now you may leave!" River shouted at the Aunt and Uncle. They look shocked to have someone yell at them.

"Well I never!" Hillary said as she stomped out the door like an angry elephant."

"And stay out!" River shouted in victory.

Johnny ran to Jolie, who was still in his father's arms. William looked at his son. In his eyes he saw worry and hope. He knew that these deep feelings were for the small girl. William gave her to him. Johnny held her tightly. Even though he was only 10 his heart was as big as someone who was living their last day on earth.

The twins who were 8 at the time didn't really care about anything but, the television and their electronics.

Will, who was 7 at the time didn't care that much, but he thought that Jolie was disabled or some different creature. Right now it was baseball season, and that took up most of his time.

Sweet Gracie was like Johnny but she was only 3. She loved princesses, and trying on her mother's dresses and high heels. Gracie was also obsessed with pink and glitter.

Joli. Has disappointed her family by the she looks and was born like. Johnny might be her only hope.

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