Chapter 8: Stephen Hawking

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The nice people at the front of the island told Lilian and Joli that they were in cabin 45. In cabin 45, there were dusty and rundown, squeaky, old beds. There were only bunk beds, and no bathroom. The girls were told there were several bathrooms and showers near the mess hall and that was it. They were given a list of 25 chores they had to do around the island. They were also given a list of what they would do for the day.

· 6:30 A.M- Mess hall Breakfast (Ask for extra food for School lunch)

· 7:00 a.m. – Attend to the island academy

· 4:45 P.M. – Attend to Island square for meetings with the I.A. council

· 6:15 P.M. –Mess hall dinner

· 9:00 P.M. –Curfew and Bedtime

One day after Island Academy, Joli bumped into Lillian at the I.A. meeting.

"Lilian! It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" Joli said.

"Yeah, same here. I got my schedule ticket for next week, and I saw there was an all Island meeting. I also saw that at that meeting everyone would have to stand up in front of everybody and tell them something from where you used to live. When it's our turn, we could tell them about fighting back so we could go home again."

The night came when every person came to Island square, Lilian and Jolie looked around, and they saw some of the greats, Stephen Hawking and Alexis Wineman plus more. They all looked nervous, even though everyone knew them.

A girl with long blonde hair and hazel eyes walked onto the stage. Her dress was all worn down and dirty. She was beautiful. How did she get here? Joli asked herself.

"Good evening, my name is Fern. I'm one of you, booted off our country just because we're different. But, before we start I have something very important to tell you. Just because we're different doesn't mean that we can't do as much as the other people back on our country. If everyone was the same, things would just be plain, and very boring. Everyone is different in their own way. So dare to be different. Dare to believe in yourself and others. Let's make something happen on this island that hasn't happened in the states yet. We can be capable of doing anything, if we just believe we can. Thank you, and Bruce Kyner, you're up first."

"Wow," Joli whispered to Lillian, "she could be the one to inspire our idea. Plus this would be something that hasn't happened in the states yet!"

"True," Lillian replied, "we could inspire the world with our protest!"

The pair whispered to each other until Joli was called up on stage.

"Here I go," she said as she marched on up to the mike. "H...Hi everyone, um... I have to tell you something." Joli froze. She glanced at Lilian who motioned her to take a deep breath. "Why should we let the people in the states push us around! We are different than them, but that just means we're unique! We should fight back. I mean, we already have the smarts," Jolie looked at Stephen Hawking, "and we have the medical help as well."

Someone from the crowd yelled, "but we can't fight without weapons!"

"Well, you're wrong random person. We don't need weapons. Do you know why?" Joli asked the crowd while she motioned Lilian to get on the stage with her.

Snow whirled around her like a blizzard and a tornado all at once. Joli was her beautiful snow tiger self again. But this time, she was bigger than when she was at her mom's book release. She had grown in confidence as well. Lilian threw water droplets in the air, and Joli froze them, coming down as hail balls instead. The crowd oohed in amazement.

Stephen Hawking wheeled himself on stage, and said on his device,

"I want you to lead us into the war. You are unique and special with a god like power. I trust you to lead us as well."

"Me too!" said a person.

After that the whole crowd was yelling me too!

It was official, Lilian and Jolie were going to lead the island to victory at war.

Lilian and Joli quickly started to train the other people on the island. There were more people like them. Soon, Lilian and Joli came to a stump on the road to freedom. Others were getting jealous of their powers. So, Stephen Hawking created levels of war. The ones who had powers were at the top. The people who had diseases or were orphans were in the middle, and the people who had disabilities and doctors were at the bottom. Stephen Hawking had been contacting the government with his talking device, and they agreed to start war on the island. Lilian and Joli felt ready. In one week the government's army would come and fight.

The day of the war was bright and sunny, but many of the warriors thought that it should be dark and cloudy, war being held. The government's army arrived, with no weapons. Joli heard one say that they should take it easy on people like them. That got the whole squad mad. The top level of power was lined up, Joli and Lillian at the front. One of the people on the island heard a "Attack!" , and there it was, the war began. Joli went into snow tiger mode, ready to shoot ice. Lilian was ready as well, hand ready to spray the men. Joli looked at the army members before attacking, she saw a familiar face, it was Johnny

                                                                The End

Okay my Lovelies, this is my last chapter for Dare to Believe, but I have loved writing this book, and there will be another book following this. It's going to be called Flames on the Moon. I know that one of my followers MadelynRawr copied a book almost exactly like mine but I don't care. Our books are going to be relating to each other so I suggest reader her Flames on the Moon before mine. Also, read part one to my book called How to Save a Life. I love you guys!! 

-Morgan, the Couch Potato

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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