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It was a normal Monday for James. He was on vacation in America, but he was also on a secret mission . At seven minutes past four James left his hotel room. At a quarter past four he was in his car and followed a grey car. Five minutes later someone shoot at him. Luckily for James he missed the shot. Who was that person in that grey car?

He followed the grey car to a town called Storybroke. The grey car stopped by a tower. Someone came out the grey car. The person was a women. First he saw only her silhouette. She had the most beautiful and perfect shape you can ever imagine. She walked to James' car. When he saw her face he fell in love. Her brown eyes and perfect lips. She slowly opened the door of his car "Hello, my name is Regina. I'm the mayor of this town Storybroke. Who are you?" "My name is Charles DiLaurentis" "Well, Well Charles, What are your plans in my town" "I was just on a holiday" "uh, uh, I don't think so" she said. "Why were you following my grey car?" "I think it was just an accident" James closed his door and drove away. This was the most amazing woman he had ever met.

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