A's Explosion

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A woke up in the camp infirmary. There was a group of 8 people in front of her. in the previous times she had been awake she had learned there names. Hazel, the 13 year old reborn ghost, Frank, her shape shifting boyfriend, Leo, the repair boy with fire powers, Jason, son of juniper (Zeus) Piper, Jason's charm speaking girlfriend, Annabeth, the smart leader, and Percy, her boyfriend with water powers. There was also Calypso, Leo's girlfriend. A heard Piper whispering.

"So she came after we defeated Kronos and now you think she is going to wake up now that we have defeated Gaea."

" I know it makes no sense but she has to wake up now." Percy said. God he looks so much like him. A thought to herself. just thinking of his name brought back all the sad ness that she had kept inside of her. she was freezing now. she used some of her sisters power and started to heat herself up.

"Is it just me or is it getting really warm in hear?" piper asked. A got distracted and soon she was on fire.


"JESUS!!!!!" leo yelled. together we all ran outside. when we got outside Annabeth started crying.

"A didn't even know she was dying." Annabeth cried. I pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay." I said still hugging her. just then the sick bay collapsed. As we looked back we saw a very angry A.

"What happen-Oh My!" Chiron said as he reached us."A!" he shouted. "what is the matter?" A looked confused for a seconded before looking down at her body. she then laughed and I instantly knew that that was not A. this laugh held so much evil crazy power. The thing in A's body turned and looked at us.

"I had hopes of avoiding using A's body put aperentaly that is impossible." I felt cold shock run through my body.

"It's LYN!" I shout. she turns to face me and creates one big lava ball that will kill me if it even goes near me. then she through it.

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