The Forest

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I ran until I could not run any farther. then I sunk to the ground and cried. I felt all the pain I had kept inside just rush out. after awhile I saw a light nearby. I slowly crept to wards it. it was the 7. Jason was talking.

"The plan is to go search the forest. the first to find her will knock her unconisius then they will call the others. we will dispose of her properly and then the problem will be over." dispose I thought to myself. he wants to kill me?! I crept closer so I could see there faces. everyone had a look of disgust on there face. even Piper.

"Jason." Annabeth spoke up. "we do not, under any circumstance, kill a demigod who has not acted against us. we all agree that it was Lyn who burned down the infirmary, not A. we will not kill her."

"Lyn is a danger to everyone!" Jason counteracted. Percy looked ready to kill the guy. It was Piper who beat him to it.

"JASON! you are acting like Octavian! A has kept Lyn inside for so many years with just a few mishaps. we just need to give her a chance. and if suggest one more time we should kill her I will never speak to you again!" Jason looked so defeated after that but he shut up.

"Someone has to go in there." Annabeth spoke up. "not to kill her but just to talk. maybe she will warm up."

"I can." Calypso said as she stepped out of the shadows.

"Cally it's not safe." leo said.

"Leo I'm the only one who really has a chance of becoming her friend. our pasts are very much the same." and with that Calypso started walking in my direction.

I ran back a bit more. when I thought I was far enough I flipped on to a tree branch over head. I though it was a few feet up but when I landed I realized how wrong I was. I was the goddess of happiness and some people get happiness from gymnastics so I am the world greatest gymnast. the branch was 20 feet above me and I was sure that Calypso or part of the 7 saw me. But I heard her voice go in another direction. just the I felt a whoosh of air beside me. I looked over and saw Calypso sitting there.

"I was alone on an island for a very long time. Jumping came easy so I perfected my skill." when I started to back away she sighed. "I won't let them kill you."

"Why? you heard Jason. I'm dangerous!"

"You are not dangerous. I don't know about Lyn but you are not dangerous. Stop running from your past.he wouldn't want that." I glare at her. but she got me thinking. before I could stop it I was sucked back into my life story.

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