Am I Safe?

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My memory was fuzzy. I remember hearing the 7 talking and then everything got really confusing. like I was watching someone else do all those things. things. OH GOD! my eyes flash open and I look around. I was in a pretty normal room. I relaxed. I think that Lyn took over my body. I remember her throwing a fire ball at Percy and then giving up her hold on my body. at the last second I turned the fire ball to the side and it missed percy. then I collapsed. I opened my eyes again and tried to get up only I couldn't. I looked down and for the first time since I was here I felt panic. I was restrained on the bed. I had to remind myself over and over again that the monster was not here but I was still scared. only when I calmed down then did I realize that I was freezing. even thought the warning signs were going off in my head I heated up the air like I was going to set it on fire. just then Leo came rushing in.

"JESUS!" he cried. "I can't let u out until you put out the fire."

"I don't need your help!" I scream at him. it is the first time that I have spoken in a long time. leo ignores my protests and loosens the restraints. after he does that I do the thing that seams most normal. I run.

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