Death of Several Shins

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"It happened so quickly." The silver haired male gasped out. As he caressed the deceased boys cheeks.

Lying in front of him was a boy he swore to protect just like he did with his other cloned brothers. His name was Koi. A chubby boy who despite his over brothers opened up to Kabuto quickly, referring to himself as 'Papa', he had done a bubbly personality yet was also deadly precise. But no, a god damn rock slide landed on him and several other of the shin clones a crushed them to death. Kabuto whimpered as he get a gentle caress form his husband on his shoulders. Glancing over his shoulders it was clear as day that the male was choking back is own sobs and tears, without much luck he might add.

"Y/N... Please don't cry I'll start myself." He choked out. Making a grabbing gesture with his right hand as his eyes begun to glaze over with fresh salty tears that started to run down like a Waterfall.

The other male wrapped his husband in a bone crushing yet comforting hug, as he started humming to himself and Kabuto. Kabuto clung desperately to his casual wear shirt.

A couple of weeks later

After the burial of the deceased shin clones Y/N and Kabuto returned to the orphanage drenched in nothing but negativity. Kabuto had became depressed locking himself in his office and worked himself to the bone refusing to the look at the shin clones. For the fact he was depressed by what he could prevent. Y/N was the only one he would talk too.

"I'll go make some tea alright love." A silent nod was Y/N answer as he left the room. Shortly after he returned with the beverages and passed one to Kabuto, who gave a silent thank you.

And in silent reassurance Y/N grabbed Kabuto's hand linking their fingers and gave a gentle squeeze.
Kabuto sighed, as he looked back down at the tea cup . "Years ago, when someone died in my arms, I found it to be a funny thing," Kabuto began, "After all, I was a sadistic bastard; torturing the lives out of someone for the sake of my experiments was a game that I all too gladly played."
Y/E/C eyes looked up at his partner again, genuinely curious. He took in a deep breath before continuing, "I didn't care about the lives of those that I affected. They were toys to play with until they fulfilled their usefulness. But then... I met you. I was able to reawakened to my true self, I realized how cruel and wrong I really was. After the war, I even felt the need to remove myself from the world, even though it wouldn't have cleared me of my sins. I couldn't take my own life. Because hearing your voice and feeling you tender touch prevented me."

He could feel the burning sting of tears around his eyes again., his vision became blurry. " So I came back to Konoha with you after wandering about for three years trying to redeem myself. When Naruto-kun gave me the children to look after, I had told you of my fears of looking after so many of them. Still, you smiled at me and told me that you believed I could do it," he continued on, "So I did, and I found myself growing attached to them. Every day, I admired their growth, and basked in the love they had found for me. I felt like I was truly their father and... mother. I felt such happiness, even undeserved as it was."

Y/N could feel his hands shake more, the cup shaking along with it, hearing Kabuto's voice crack. "Now we lost seven of our children," he spoke nearly in a whisper, "I wonder if this is the punishment for all of the lives I had taken. Now that I had attachment to them, is taking them away from me what I deserved? I watched the lives of my victims leave this world" Kabuto's tears fell upon his lap, his body shuddering as he sobbed, "Is this how it feels to lose someone you've come to love? Is this pain what I was meant to feel? If it is, what can I do to make this feeling go away? This pain... this sadness...! I can't stand it!"

Y/N lunged forward and kisses him soundly on the lips as Kabuto whimpered pathetically.
"I know the feeling love." The Y/H/C male said caressing his cheek. Tears shone from Kabuto eyes as they slides down his face. "I know the feeling." Y/N manoeuvred Kabuto and himself so he sat with Kabuto on his lap and him in the chair. Kabuto head was tucked away in his neck as he cried.

"I know the feeling."

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