Quality Time

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Y/H - Your height

Kabuto : 23 age
Y/N : 24 age

"Kabuto-" The Y/H/C male burst into a fit of laughter as he saw his lover of two years currently blowing a raspberry at his newly evolved Kabutops who was smaller than average reaching Kabuto's knee. Who would have though that Kabuto would actually have wanted one!

The silver haired male looked up only to have his face erupt in a dark greyish red blush and divert eye contact from his lover who was leaning onto a tree laughing without a  in the world with his (Faviroute Pokemon) behind him, clearly suprised.

"Don't sneak up on me Y/N." Kabuto demanded clearly embarassed by his lovers sudden appearance and laughter. He pulled his cloaks hood over his head in a desperate attempt to hide his face as his Kabutops cooked it's head curiously.

The Y/H walked over to his lover and wrapped an arm around his waist as he used the over to tilt Kabuto's chin towards him. Making eye contact. This caused Kabuto's cloak hood to fall as he kissed his fourhead gently.

"Gomen love. Gomen." Y/N smiled down at his lover who reflected the smile but just a fraction, yet just as genuine back. Kabuto wrapped his arms around his lover waist and nuzzled into his chest. Giving off a content sigh.

Both men took a seat underneath a tree to catch a breather from the world they were running from.

Feeling his partner kiss his cheek, Kabuto blushed slightly and nuzzled into his partners shoulders feeling desperate for warmth as the cold breeze hit along with a gentle rainfall.
Y/N wrapped his left arm around his shoulders as he dropped his right on his lap, as he watched Kabuto's Kabutops and his (Water type) prance about in the rain playing.

This was quality time for them. He wouldn't change it.

Requested by dawnxash

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