Chapter 42 (Mitchell)

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"Mommmm!" I call.

She runs in. "What is it?"

"The remote isn't working!" I tell her.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" She asks me. Its Saturday and I'm trying to watch TV.

"My shift isn't until 1," I reply.

"Go do something else. I'm sick of you watching that trash."

"Disney Channel is not trash, mother!" I say defiantly.

"Go to your room." She says plainly.

"Yes, ma'am," I trudge into my room and sit down at my desk.

I grab a pencil and paper and think.

"What are you doing?" Evening leans into my room.

"Writing a song about my feelings," I say.

"What do you have so far?" She asks. I hand her a piece of paper.

My mom thinks the shows I watch are trash
The shows she watches are trash!

Evening cracks up.

"Wait until you hear it with music," I walk over to my electric guitar.

"I'd love to, but I'm going to the mall with Hazel. Bridget is watching her siblings and Zach and Barker for the day. I'm coming with."

"First of all, can't Zach and Barker watch themselves? And second of all, how can Bridget handle watching eight kids by herself?" I ask thoughtfully.

"Would you trust Zach and Barker by themselves?" She answers as I follow her into her room.

"Which shirt should I wear?"

"The one you're wearing is fine." I point to the Five Seconds Of Summer pullover she wears as a pajama shirt. She groans and continues to search her closet.

"Why can't Amber babysit Zach and Barker?" I ask.

"Because Amber has appendicitis." She answers.


"You didn't know?" She looks surprised.

"I'm calling Lilla because I don't believe you."

Evening makes a face at me. I stand awkwardly for a few seconds while waiting for Lilla to answer her phone.

"What's up?" Asks Lilla.

"Does Amber have appendi- appendix-" I can't pronounce it, "does Amber have the appendix thing?"


"Evening isn't being trustworthy right now."


"Mitchell wrote a song about how much he loves Disney Channel!" Evening shouts into my phone.

"EVENING!" I tackle her to the ground, forgetting about my phone.

"Um, hello?" I hear Lilla ask. She sounds confused, and then she hangs up.

"Great. Now she thinks I'm weird," I say, pushing Evening off of me.

"Oh, she realized that when she first met you." Says my annoying little sister, running out of the room.

She forgot that she had left me alone in her room—big mistake. I poke around her bedroom, searching for anything interesting. I stop at her bookshelf and pull out a fancy-looking journal. Hmm.

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