Chapter 5: Old Memories

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After what seemed like forever, Hyrea was finally able to get everything ready. She attached the transmitters to my head and they tingled my senses. Then, she injected blue liquid into my arm with a scary looking syringe, which made me panic for a bit. She told me to relax and that it wouldn't hurt one bit. After a couple minutes, the effect of the liquid started making me nauseous, which meant that it was time to use the spell. "Make sure you maintain focus or you might get sucked into the void again. So try to resist as much as you can. If it gets too much for you, just scream." She cast the spell and the only thing I could muster from my mouth was a mixed in "ok."
All my concentration went into the visions I had that happened in my brain and it was talking out the story as my friends listened and looked. I had started in my room, it was dark inside because I was sad after my friend decided our friendship wasn't worth it. I sat on my bed sulking at wall and sobbing. Then, I remembered the dance studio I grew up in. I remember walking around the neighborhood with all the dim lights lit. A large building loomed over my shadow. I had arrived at the dance studio. It was a fairly large building, rectangular shaped. It was old looking and definitely needed new paint, as much of the paint from the building was wearing out. Outside, there was a huge banner covering the dance company's name that said "FOR SALE." I sat down on the curb and started to remember the dances and memories I had here at the studio. After sitting, I started dancing my heart out and it was enjoyable and all my emotions and tears came out from that stressful day. I lost track of time, but after a while, I felt something lure me right inside the dance studio. I couldn't help myself so I walked towards the door just to find it locked and shut tight too. Lucky for me, I had bobby pins in my hair from the curly hair I had that day. I took one out and started picking the lock at a fast pace as I felt something pulling me in. Finally I got it open and the door creaked open. I walked towards Dance Studio A, which was probably my favorite room to dance in. Then, I had realized that I hadn't turned on the lights and they flickered on slowly but they did. I heard strange creaking noises, but I didn't really bother since it probably just could've been me. Suddenly, the lights went completely out and a dark shadow loomed over me. I started panicking and I screamed. Then, I heard some evil laughing noises and I knew that wasn't just me. The shadow came closer and closer and then everything went dark. He bit me and I felt the heat of my blood staining the floor, my hair, and clothes. Then I heard a crash and I panicked once more, not knowing who or what else was coming for me. I already thought that I was going to die. Little did I know that the werewolf venom in his teeth would make me immortal but I felt like I was burning. Veronica got me out while I was squirming in pain. I heard Rosalia with a stele and killed the werewolf as it was supposedly illegal for turning a human into a werewolf. Afterwards everything was black for me as I felt like I was moving because Rosalia and Veronica were carrying me. And when I woke up, I saw myself and my eyes were the first thing I saw.
I woke up with a startle. How did I remember all of this? "My eyes were the color of the Caribbean Sea." I explained to them with actually words this time. "I know that the void experience wasn't too pleasant either," as I said this, Hyrea started removing all of the equipment on me and told me, "we will explore the void experience tomorrow, but for now, you need to rest. That was a really long story you head to tell and I'm sure it was hard enough for yourself. I don't want to push you too far, or you may not be able to control your mind."
Suddenly, there was a scream. I didn't realize that it had come from me and I collapsed on the floor.

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