Chapter 1: A Hope

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"Saige, get up! You're going to be late for school and I'll be late for work if you don't hurry!" A shrill loud voice came through the door and next thing I know, a swing through the door and my mom was there and opening my blinds so that the sun shone right in my face.

"Ah! Mom! It's too bright, I'm getting up, I'm getting up!" I yelped and jumped right out of bed as my mom walked out of my room, leaving me privacy and I looked around my room, as if I was expecting something to happen. It was a teenager's generic room, nothing special at all. On the far left of my room, sat an old, white antique vanity with a tri-fold mirror. In the drawer of the vanity just had some lint from old hair ties and a couple of brushes. Next to my vanity was my bed. It had a white headboard and backboard and the sheets were teal, my favorite color. In the middle of the room sat a fluffy rug that seemed to hug me whenever I sat on it. A small closet sat beside my dresser to straight across from my room. Slowly getting up from my rug, I went to quickly brush my teeth and for a split second, I could sworn I saw my eyes turn a beautiful light ocean blue. The ocean has always been my favorite place, so maybe I'm just longing to go there again, since I haven't been there in years. I quickly tie my hair into a quick ponytail, no really caring if there were any bumps on the bottom of my hair. I slowly head downstairs where I greet my annoying, but cute brother Will. He has the same hazel color hair, but green eyes like a jungle forest, which is strange for both me and my brother because my mom's eyes are coffee brown.

"Good morning, sweetie! I see you're finally up! Here's your eggs and bacon with an extra blueberry pancake, your favorite! How'd you sleep?" My mom chirped happily, and went on to pack her small bag for work.

"Oh wow, mom! These are delicious, thanks!" I replied excited, as I stuffed more eggs and bacon into my already full mouth. When I was done chewing the huge glob of food in my mouth, I told her, "I slept well, thanks. To be honest, I hadn't had that well of sleep since you know, dad..." My words trailed off as I blinked back tears and hit my lip. Our father was the most amazing man that ever lived. He had brown twinkly eyes that looked like stars every time you gazed at them. His smile warmed many hearts by doing acts of kindness and by smiling in hardship times. I admired him like he was my hero. When I found out he passed, I broke down like a doll. I couldn't handle what was happening and could stop thinking. I started having problems with sleeping and having strange magical dreams.

"It's alright, sweetie," my mother calmed me down in a soothing voice. I couldn't lose her, she was my only family along with my brother. I saw her trying to blink back tears as she hugged us both. Drying her tears quickly and hiding the fact that she was about to cry, she started being her usual demanding self. "Alright! No more tears or sadness! Get your bottoms out of the chairs and let's drop you off to school, Saige!" I nodded my head, grabbed my sparkling hologram backpack, put on my red Converse shoes, and headed out the door.

*     *     *     *

The bell rang as I headed towards the campus building off to my first class. It wasn't a big deal I arrived at the first bell because I didn't have any friends anyways. I was always lonely. I practically ran to my first class as I was nearly late. Zooming past other students, I quickly grabbed my materials out of my locker and the minute the bell rang, I was in my seat.

Not long after class was dismissed, I headed towards the rest of my boring classes and soon it was lunch. Lunch was my favorite and my least favorite period of the day. One reason is because I get bullied a lot in this period. None of the adults seem to care about this. Shortly after getting my lunch, I sat down at an empty table, the one where nobody ever sits in. A group of loud and rude boys came to me at the table and laughed at me. "Wow, look at her! She sits here every day by herself! You should go make new friends or is it that you can't because of you father?" One boy made fun of me. Suddenly, at the sound of hearing my father, I whipped my head up and stalked away. How dare they mention my father! They know nothing about him! I sat in a corner of the lunch room and waited until the bell rang.

*     *     *     *

The last bell of the school day rang and everyone rushed out the door pushing and shoving. I stepped out at the door and I felt an urge to dance. It was a strange feeling. I hadn't danced in years, yet I still wanted to go. I dropped by home to throw off my backpack and grab a small bag I could carry along with me. Writing a small note to my mom letting her know I was going to be gone for a while, I headed off. While walking towards the studio, my mind filled with hate. Why care about everything since the world is full of hate? I didn't belong and I never will. I just wished my father was here to encourage me and to lift me up at this time. He would have helped me through this. I reached the dance studio. It wasn't a big, fancy one. It was small and rectangular, shaped like to have at least 5 rooms in the studio. The windows were big but covered in blinds. It looked to closed, dark, and dusty in there. I whipped my head around trying to find a way in. I could describe the feeling. It was as if I was desperate to go in. Then I saw it. The sign that said it was going for sale. This once lived studio was going to be gone. No, I whispered. I must see this place one more time before it's really gone for good and used for something else. I hurried around the place, looking for a way in. Then an idea struck me. I have a couple of bobby pins I used in my hair this morning! I could use it to pick the lock and go inside. I picked the lock multiple times and with a click, the door creaked open. It was dark inside filled with cobwebs and I ran to my favorite room, ignoring the fact that I had felt something fuzzy graze upon me. The ballet room, a room full of memories years ago. I cried at the thought of it and I flickered on the lights. Practicing some dance moves I remembered so long ago, the lights suddenly went off and I blacked out into oblivion as "he" bit me. I wake up finding myself in a dim lit area and looking straight at a mirror, where I see where I truly look like now.


Word count: 1347

Ok, ok, ok. You guys are probably so confuse that I'm uploading a chapter 1. So I had recently just thought of a great idea that involved this chapter. So if you didn't realize, what I did was I got rid of chapter three and moved it into chapter two, where it would be longer. Then I decided that I would make a chapter one about the cause of why she ran away. So here it is! I hope you guys like it! Votes and comments are always appreciated!

A New Life (A Wolf Story) [#WATTYS2017] HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now