Birthday Surprise

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Naka's POV

I step into the doorway of classroom 3-E and I hear foot steps nearing me. Karma? I thought. I turned around but suddenly a frying pan flew at my face.

Okuda's POV

I sneak up on the devil girl who stole my Karma. She turns around and I slam the frying pan from the home ec room into her head. She immediately drops unconscious. I run away and find the secret passage way back into the classroom. I slip in and join the ruckus.

"Wait wasn't Okuda with us?" Kayano asks.

"I-I'm right here guys." I stutter.

Karma's POV

I hear a slam outside the classroom and look outside. Nakamura lies there, still unconscious with a bump forming on the side of her head. I fumed. Who the HELL would try to kill someone on their freaking birthday?!?! I stare, a horrified look on my face. A few students are with me and look equally horrified. Koro Sensei slides out of the teacher's lounge and immediately goes into paramedic mode. Sheesh...he even wears nurse scrubs!

Third Person POV

Koro sensei dashes to get his first aid kit. He comes back with a pillow and a blanket. Karma picks up Naka's body and transfers her to a small cot on the side of the room. Koro sensei checks for her heart beat and says "She's fine, just knocked out a little." A few minutes later, the blonde sits up rapidly and whimpers in pain.

" head hurts..."

Karma is so overjoyed that she is fine that he hugs her and cries *there used to be spoilers here sorry ⊂((・⊥・))⊃*

"What happened?" Rio asks.

Flashbacks of a shadow swinging a frying pan comes back into her mind.

"Uwaaaaahh! Where is that shadow?! Owwwwwwww......" naka rests her head down on the pillow.

"What shadow? What happened?" Nagisa asks.

"I don't know what happened! I was knocked out you see!" She replied.

Bits of the flashback come back. She remembers braids on the shadow before it swung the pan.

"I think there was braids or something on the shadow. Owwwwwwwww.....and on my birthday too" she grumbled in pain. Koro sensei put a jelly ice pack on her head to cool her bump. It was pretty red.

Everyone looked around to see who had braids. They spotted okuda but thought Nah, Okuda's really nice to Naka, and she doesn't look that strong either. Besides, she would try to hurt someone with chemicals, not a frying pan.

Okuda's POV

My classmates scan around the room and land on me. I look back at them and look as innocent as possible. They never suspect me. My plan is going well so far, naka will be in bed all day so she can't bug my Karma! Then I can tell him how I feel.

*everyone loves timeskips*

Karma's POV

I stay with her for the rest of the school day and after school I carry her to the soft grass behind the school, where we usually eat lunch. She tried to walk by herself, but got dizzy and fell down again. I scooped her up and carried her bridal style to the grass. I can see a slight red tint on her cheeks, which makes my face turn red too. I sit by her side and stroke her soft hair.

"Karma, you really should go home, your going to catch a cold! I don't want to be a burden....."

"Shut up. Im staying here no matter what you say. " I reply.

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