Take My Jacket

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They were sitting on fluffy grass in the park, enjoying the crisp fall air. Karma smiled at Rio, who was dozing off on his shoulder. He noticed goosebumps appearing on her arms, and decided to wrap his jacket around her.

Karma's POV

She's so cute when she sleeps, I want to save this moment forever. I took out my phone and quietly snapped a photo of her sleeping face. Perfect.

*timeskippu to when she wakes up*

Third person POV

Rio's eyes flicker open, and see that she is now home, on her bed, with Karma sitting down next to her. She noticed something heavy on her shoulders. His jacket. She looked up at him and he simply smirked, and said "Bring your own jacket next time. Idiot girl."

An irk mark appeared on her forehead, and she shoved his jacket into his arms, mumbling "Take it back."

*Another timeskippu to the next day because author is lazy*

The next day, Karma and Rio arrived at school at around 7:30 am, the time that was the coldest of the day. Once again, she had forgotten to bring a jacket, thinking that the weather would become warmer by the time she went to school. She was horribly mistaken. It was a LOVELY 18°C (46°F) in Tokyo that day, and Rio was shivering. Karma says he is not cold, and once again gives her his jacket.

Karma's POV

It's actually quite cold today, but I don't want Rio to find out my weakness, or else she won't hesitate to use it against me. I was actually born very sensitive to extreme temperature, which is why winter and summer weather is the devil. Nobody knows this but me, and I plan to keep it that way until I die.

Third Person POV

The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. As usual, Korosensei took roll and the class quieted down.

Rio's POV
I wonder why Karma keeps insisting that I should take his jacket? I really don't want him to catch a cold....it would be all my fault! Besides, if I forget my jacket then its my own fault if I get sick.

Karma's POV
Ugh. School is boring. Hours of endless droning on and on...I should have skipped class. I quietly raised my knife and proceeded to throw it at koro sensei, mainly because I was bored.

"Ah, Karma-kun? I'm afraid that won't work. The knife is unfortunately too slow for it to reach me. In the spare time I had, I graded all of your assassination plans! I have to say that they really are quite advanced! Keep up the good work."

Tch, stupid octopus. Nobody was supposed to see those plans. Besides,-

Third person POV
Karma didn't get a chance to finish his thoughts because at that time, a draft of cold air whooshed into the creaky wooden classroom.

Karma's POV
I shivered. It was really cold. Nakamura had my jacket, and I didn't want to let her see my weakness. So I sucked it up and dealt with it for the time being.

Koro Sensei's POV *oya its a new POV*

I quickly rush to the teachers' lounge and grab bitch-sensei's *emergency* sweater. Using my mini sewing kit and expert sewing skills, I form all of the wisps of fabric sticking out into a scarf. Rushing back into the classroom, I wrap the scarf around karma's neck and make my way back to the podium at the front.

Oh. I guess I forgot to mention that the scarf was bright pink. *nurufufufu*

Karma's POV
I sat there with this stupid pink scarf on me, and the whole class staring at it. I quickly ripped it off and attempted to return my face to its original color. Tch...stupid octopus. Why does he always target me for pampering? Why not Kayano?!

Rio's POV
I was shocked and guilty for taking Karma's jacket, and I never realized that he cared so much about me...

He sat there in his seat, face flushed and scarf on the floor. Everyone was staring at him and his eyes looked slightly watery. (Aww)

When Koro sensei left to deal with a scream from the teacher's lounge, I walked up to Karma's desk and handed him back his jacket, bowing my head slightly.

"I'm sorry Karma-kun, plz don't sacrifice your health for me...It's not fair to you, and I should have learned my lesson a while ago."

I turned around and walked back towards my desk just as koro sensei returned to the classroom.

"Eheheh....um, I'm sorry about that class. Irina Sensei was apparently not too happy about her modified sweater."  Koro Sensei said with a sheepish expression.

*Insert lunch bell yay*

Third person POV
The weather had warmed up a little bit since that morning but the sun was still hidden behind a few clouds. Karma and Rio sat down under the acorn tree like usual and opened their bento boxes. Except Karma had forgotten his at home. Damn, sucks to be him today.

Nakamura saw this as an opportunity to help Karma as thanks for that morning, and offered him a wide range of onigiri she had packed. There was shake (salmon), mentaiko, umeboshi, and konbu.

Karma gratefully picked out the mentaiko flavor and yelled "ittadakimasu!" Before digging in. Rio smiled, happy that she could pay back for what he had done for her.

A *sneaky* yellow face poked through the leaves of the tree and quickly snapped a photo of the couple before flying off to who knows where. Karma and Nakamura were pissed yet again that he had gotten away with that picture, and opened their box of "embarrassing koro sensei plans." (Who knows where they keep this)

Nakamura's face shifted from cute to devilish as she told Karma her next plan in extreme detail.

Woo!! 1000 words reached! I planned for this to be angst but I apparently have no angsty soul when I write so this turned out to be another fluffy story. Hope you enjoyed it!


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