Cafe Time

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I chased after Karma, his figure slowly moving farther and farther away. Trying to grip some part of him, I failed, eventually losing him completely. Karma turned around in the distance and smirked evilly. "Nice try, Rio but you just can't catch're too weak."

"No-no no no no NO! Please slow down, I can't catch up to you! help....." I hear my own voice fade away into nothing as everything turns black.

Rio's POV

I jolt awake, sweating bullets. What in the fresh hell was that?! Karma wouldn't do that, would he? It's just a stupid dream. I look at the time, 4:00 am. My head drops back into my comfy pillow. I have a few more hours to sleep. But as I try to go back to sleep like I usually do, I find myself struggling to shut my eyes. People say that dreams reveal the heart's true wants, but is that right? I mean, it's just a figment of my imagination. Yeah, you're just being paranoid Rio, go back to sleep.

Karma's POV

I awaken with my phone buzzing like crazy. I glance at the sender of the texts. Nakamura.

Naka: Karma....I had a bad dream....
Me: ok, what do you want me to do about it?
Naka: idk, I just wanna talk to someone.
Me: at 4 in the morning?! I need my sleep to be this beautiful. (Sounds like something jin would say)
Naka: okay, sorry for bothering you. I'll be fine, see you at school soon

I wonder why she has to text me about that. She doesn't even believe in bad dreams so what's the problem now?

Rio's POV
*6:00 am*

I should get ready for school. I sigh, then get out of bed. I wash my face, brush my teeth, do normal bathroom things, then put on my uniform. I scroll through my instagram, liking kayano and isogai's latest posts. After wasting about 15 minutes on my phone, I go downstairs to eat breakfast. I also pack my lunch and head out. Once I reach the E class campus i notice that nobody is there yet. I sigh and listen to some music as I put my head down on the desk.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know, Kayano has pulled out my headphones and looks at me with a concerned face. "Are you ok, Nakamura-san?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

After Kayano left, other students passed by and looked at me funny. I wonder why they're all doing that?

Karma's POV

I walk into class, one minute before the bell with my bag slung over my shoulder. I notice that Nakamura's head is down and her usually bright face is now dark and gloomy, like a storm. That face imprints into my mind as the bell rings and Korosensei starts the day.

He blabs on about random math equations and other stuff and I look at Rio again. Her posture is still slumped as she writes down notes, something she never does. Something must really be wrong with her, maybe I should go talk to her. Okay, at lunch I'll go ask her what's wrong.

*time skip about 4 hours*
The lunch bell rings and I get out of my seat to go talk to her. However, Maehara interrupts me and starts talking about another one of his obsessions with girl groups. I try to inch toward Nakamura, but Maehara is persistent and pulls out his phone to show me some pictures. By the time I escape his grasp, Nakamura is long gone.

I run out to the tree where we usually sit, but Nakamura isn't there. I ask Kayano and Nagisa if they've seen her, but unfortunately they didn't see where she went after class. I try to call her, but everything goes to voicemail.

I wonder how bad that dream was if she's acting like this? Or could it just be that time of the month....hmm.

Rio's POV

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