Chapter Twenty Six

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I laid on the hotel bed with a snoring Alex. Today I was meeting up with Aaron and leaving him with Alex for a few hours. They were gonna eat and go to the park. And try to stay away from fans because nobody knows about Alex and I don't want Alex to get hurt or anything while they're out.

I decided to get up and I straightened my hair and put on my make up before putting on a pair of nevy blue high waisted jean shorts and a white crop top with Stitch on it and said 'OHANA' in blue writing. I put on black flip flops and woke Alex up. I brushed his hair and teeth and he got dressed in some shorts and a plain black shirt. I put his converse on him and we headed out.

We got in the car and I drove over to the mansion. I grabbed Alex and went to knock, and was greeted by a happy Colby who was taking me out for lunch. He called Aaron down and I seen Buddy.

I walked over to Buddy who instatnley started to jump all over me and make me laugh. Alex xpet him but a few minutes later him and Aaron left.

Colby and I got into his car and he started to drive towards Panda Express. We got out and walked in, setting around we talked and ate. We talked about everything that happened while I was gone and it was all really great.

Colby made me feel way better. We decided to go look at apartments and he was gonna help me pick one so we left after paying and got in the car. We arrived to a decent one and walked around. Soon, I picked one that waas about thirty minutes from their house. I told them I needed to know asap so he said he'd call in the morning.

I was laying in the hotel bed with Alex curled up by my side and I just woke up from my nap. I sat up to see it was 3 in the morning. I groaned and started to get up, but looked down to see Alex had his mouth open and didn't look like he was breathing. I bit my lip and picked him up. "Are you awake little boy?" he didnt move..

I tickled him and got scared. I put my index and middle finger on his small wrist, then his neck. I grabbed all my things and ran to my car, carrying my son. I ws calling Elton. He didn't answer so I called everyone. Nobody picked up yet so I just drove to the ER. I ran straight in "Somebody! Help me! My son's ot breathing!" instantley he was laid on a bed and taken away.

I was calling Colby again when Sam called "hello!?" "Jessica? What are you doing? It's.. Three am!" I was balling, and I could tell he just woke up "please get Elton and Colby to the er! Now!" I was shakking "Whats wrong, Jessica!? Colby, get up!" "Just hurry up! Bring Aaron!" I hung up and I sat in the waiting room, crying and pulling out my hair. I was only in a shirt and some underwear, but I didn't care. I was upset.

I heard running and I jumped up and ran over to see everyone running in, I started running towards them, hot tears running down my face "What did you do my son you bastard!" I screamed as I started to hit and slap Aaron as hard as I could "Whaat did you fucking do!" I kept screaming and hitting him until Colby, Corey, and Sam pulled me off of him. "Why is my son not fucking breathing! The one time I leave him alone with someone else he isnt rbeathing!"

Aarons face was red, from me hitting him. I was still crying and now Colby was holding me in his chest. I was clutching his t shirt and crying loudly. After an hour and half of crying, the doctor came to talk to me. Which, I made Colby go with me.

"Ms.Castee? I'm very sorry" I looked at him "Where's my son? Is he alright?" I asked, looking over his shoulder, "Castee, he passed away" and there it went... My whole entier world fell apart. I fell to my knees, holding Colby's shirt. I started to cry more and scream, making Colby pick me up. I knew he ws crying by his voice. I pulled away from him and ran into the waiting room where I attacked Aaron, screaming and crying. I was slapping and hitting him but Corey and Elton got me off of him.

Colby came over and broke down into the floor crying. I just pulled my knees into my stomach and cried more "Ms. Castee, I'm very sorry for your loss. But, we can't recall anything. It's as we call it, a SUD, sudden unexplained death. Have you had a baby before" "No, she has no-" "I was pregnant when I was 16, but I had a misscarriage" he nodded and Elton looked at me shocked Amber looked guilty.

"Well, please be careful. You might not be able to have and or carry healthy children, Ms.Castee." This... This only made things worse. I kept crying and pulling my hair. He left and I sat on the floor, still crying. But now I was wearing Colby's jacket. I looked at Colby "Tkae me to the hotel" I was raspily. "I'll follow you so we can bring you back" Elton said, I shook my head "I want him to stay the night. I'll bring him home"

Elton looked shocked, but Colbyy nodded and helped me outside. We got in the car and he started driving towards the hotel. When we got there, we went up to my room and I threw myself on my bed hard.

Colby came and laid by me, pulling me into his chest and holding me. I looked up at him and smiled softly, before looking down and closing my eyes.

I will always love you, Alexander my baby

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