Chapter 12: Time to Decide

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I knew what Kurt was trying to talk about. He wanted to talk about a child. The problem about being gay is that we aren't allowed to have children together. I really want a child that looks like Kurt and myself, so when people see the child, they will say ,"Oh, he has Kurt's nose and your eyes!" But due to the laws of physics, it isn't possible. So we have to settle with adoption. I've already been looking into it secretly. I wanted to surprise Kurt. If the NYDA thing doesn't work, then the adoption will be his wedding present. Of course I'm not going to adopt without Kurt, but I would present him with the perfect child that resembles us both.
"Blaine?" Kurt snaps me out of my deep thinking.
"Hmm? Sorry. I lost got deep into thought." I confess.
"What were you thinking about?" Kurt asks.
"You." I partly lie.
Kurt blushes. "Yeah okay."
"Hey that was fun. We should go to that bar more often." I say.
"Yeah, where's Mercedes and Sam?" Kurt asks.
"Right behind us." I say pointing behind us.
"Oh right." Kurt says.
"So, what were you talking about earlier? About shouldn't we start looking soon?" I ask Kurt, eager to bring up the subject.
"Oh, well. I know the subject hasn't been brought up yet, but I know we are both thinking it." Kurt says. "Wait a second." he turns back to Mercedes and Sam. "Here take this." he throws a key at them.
"What's this?"Mercedes asks.
"The key to the apartment. Blaine and I have to talk privatly. You know your way back right?" Kurt asks.
"Yeah of course." Sam says.
"Take your time." Mercedes says.
As soon as they are out of view, Kurt turns to me and wraps his arms around my neck. "As I was saying. Blaine, I want to have a family with you." Kurt smiles.
My face breaks into a hug smile and I lunge forward, pressing my lips to his. I feel him kiss my back fiercefully. I pull from him and rest my forehead on his. "I love you, Kurt. Your my everything."
"So is that a yes to the family?" Kurt asks.
"Absolutly. I want a family with you Kurt, so badly." I confess.
"Good. So, should we start looking soon? Tomorrow I have the day off so we could spend the whole day together." Kurt says wiggling his eyebrows.
"The whole day, hm?" I ask. "Whatever shall we do?"
"Well, the t.v. comes tomorrow. All movie day? We can cuddle while watching Moulin Rouge." Kurt suggests.
"Sounds like paradise." I say.
"It will be." Kurt says as he leans in to kiss me again.
"Wait, when do Sam and Mercedes leave?" I ask.
"Tomorrow morning. Speaking of which we should go back before things get awkward between them." Kurt says pulling me down the sidewalk.
I grab his wrist and pull him into me. "Wait, one more kiss." I plead.
Kurt leans in and kisses my lips softly for a good five minutes before pulling away and tugging me in the direction of our apartment.

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