Chapter 14

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Evelynns POV:

I walked in and Emily was crawling in her play pen and Evan was in his crib.

When we walked in Evan looked at us and gurgled. I 'ran' over to him and started tickling his feet and he did his little laugh thing.

I heard someone chuckle behind me and I saw Harry and Zayn laughing so hard their faces were turning red.

"What." I snapped.

They stopped laughing and I started laughing.

"What." They both snapped in unison and mimicked me.

I showed them my middle finger and Zayn gasped.

"Is that a ring?"

"Oh yeah. Harry proposed." I blushed.

Harry came over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"I'm going to bed. Be there in 10 minutes." He walked away and turned around in the middle of the hall and winked.

I just rolled my eyes.

Zayn smirked and walked out of the house.


I woke up naked next to Harry and I guess I woke him up by getting out of bed and getting coffee.

I turned around and suprised Harry by kissing him and making him scream.

I started laughing so hard I had to run to the bathroom.

When I was walking back to the kitchen I heard Harry moaning in pain. I started running towards it.

I saw Harry with a cut open foot and glass shattered every where.

I put on flip flops and ran over to Harry.

"God danmit Harry! What did you do? Are you ok."

"Uh no." He snapped.

"Get me a bandage!" He yelled.

"What the fuck is your problem!" I yelled back.

He got up on his own and attempted to walk to the cabinet and grabbed a gauze roll and tweezers.

I huffed and walked up to our room.

30 minutes later Harry opened the door.

"Babe?" He whispered.

"Get out." I spat.

"Babe I was just in a lot of pain and I just took it out on you. I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything I just sat on our bed.

"Can you go now."

"Please, I don't want you to be mad at me."

"So it's ok if you talk to me like shit?" I asked

"No I was in a lot of pain. I was taking it out on you."

I sighed and he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you though."

"How about a movie?"

"I'll pass. I want to go check on the babies."

I walk in the hall and I hear Harry sigh.

"Hi Emily!" I whisper yell.

I pick her up and set her in her play pen.

She starts crawling and drooling on stuff.

Then she starts crying and screaming and I run over there.

I pick her up and she smells horrible. I quickly change her and walk into the kitchen and set her in her high chair.

I take out her bottle and fill it up with milk. I get apple sauce and a rubber spoon.

I hold the spoon to her mouth to feed her and she obliges. She only finishes half of it and I give her the milk and put her in her crib.

I take Evan down stairs and do the same. But this time he starts choking.


"Evan's choking!"

He quickly ran down the stairs and saw me in here almost having a heart attack.

But then he stopped and Harry picked him up.

"You ok?" He asked in a whisper and wiped his mouth.

Then Evan threw up on him.

I started laughing and Harry glared at me.

Then I just cleared my throat and threw a towel at Harry.

I grab Evan and bring him upstairs.

I put him in his crib and check on Emily.

I shut the light and the door.

I walked into our room and saw Harry on out bed.

"Hey." I say.

I layed on the bed right next to him.

I kissed him on the cheek and he smirked.

He started laying on top of me and I couldn't breathe.

"Dog pile!"

"It doesn't work with two people Harry."

He frowned and lifted himself off of me.

He started kissing me and it turned out to be a heated makeout session.

He pulled up my shirt and I unbuttoned his pants.

He started kissing my neck and I tugged on his hair.

AN: this is a short chapter I know.

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