Chapter 18

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Evelynns POV:

"That was the worst flight ever." I complained.

"I know. It was so cramped." Harry said.

We walked to our taxi and right when we got tot he door Harry handed me his Ray Bands because there were paps outside.

"Just duck your head." Harry said and grabbed my hand.

Right when I got out there they started pushing and pulling on me.

Before I knew it I was on the floor and I couldn't find Harry.

I got up but only to be pushed down again.

"What the fuck!" I yelled.

I got up and is time I stayed standing.

I ran out of the crowd and down the street.

I had no idea where I was going but I had to get away from them.

Harry's POV:

"What the hell, man!" I yelled at Paul.

"I'm sorry I had to get you out of there."

"We left Evelynn! We need to go find her."

Just then I saw her on the corner sitting on a bench with her phone to her ear.

"Stop!" I yelled

"There she is." I breathed.

I ran out of the car and out to her.

"Babe, I'm so so sorry. Paul dragged me I tried to go back but then he just had more people grab me."

She didn't say anything just hugged me. I hugged her back and picked her up.

I carried her to the car and she sat next to me.

"I was so scared." She said.

"I was too."


Evelynns POV:

"Hiiii!" I said to the babies.

They just gurgled.

Harry and I played with them until we got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered.


"Who is this?" I asked.

"It's Layla! Is Harry there."

I almost dropped the phone when I heard that name.

I went to look at Harry and he was still playing with Emily and Evan.

"Um, no. "

"Oh, ok! If you see him tell him I had a fun time in Hawaii!"

She said and hung up.

"What the fuck, Harry!"


"Don't play stupid with me. Layla just called and said she had a fun time in Hawaii!"

I didn't even let him start talking.

"I'm done with all of this 'cheating' shit. Like with Rylie or that one girl I saw at your house. I'm done!"

I grabbed Emily and Evan and rushed up stairs. I packed a baby bag and threw some clothes and money in there. I grabbed my phone and charger and walked downstairs.

"What are you doing?" He asked his voice shaky.

"I need a break from all of this. Just for a little while."

"Please, Evelynn. She wasn't even in Hawaii the same time we were."

"I'm going to call Liam." I said and he gaped at me.

It rang once before he picked up.

"Are you with Layla in Hawaii." I asked getting straight to the point.

"Um, I was? Why. Are you jealous."

"Yeah because I would totally be jealous of you and Layla. What did you tell her your name was?"

"You're not going to be happy."

"Just tell me Liam!"


I was speechless

I just hung up.

"Ok I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. He gave her the house number and he said that his name was Harry." I said and sighed.

"I forgive you." He sighed.

I put down the babies and unpacked the bag.

I went over to Harry and hugged him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

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