Chapter 28

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Harry's POV:

"I'm afraid aid that's the way that it's going to work. You will divorce her and move on to Kendall Jenner for 5 months. I'm sorry Harry."

"Sir. Please. I love her."

"Get him out of here." He shouted at someone.

"Please." I screamed.

I was sobbing. They are making me do a publicity stunt to make us more popular.

The door shut and I walked to my car sobbing.

I drive home and walk up to the door.

I walk in and see Evelynn sleeping on the couch.

I walk over to her and cry some more.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

Then her eyes opened.

"Babe? Are you ok?" She asked me.

I hugged her.

"I'm sorry."

I whispered.

"Um? It's ok?"

"We need to divorce. I-I fell in love with someone else." I said and held back my tears.

"B-but Harry we have a family." She said.

"I'm sorry."

"I signed the papers already." I cried.


Three weeks later

"Hi baby." Kendall said and sat in my lap.

We were with the boys and Evelynn and Danielle and Elanour.

"Hey." I said flatly. Louis gave me a look.

Kendall started kissing me and I couldn't of felt worse.

Evelynns POV:

I heard moaning and shit like that so I looked towards Harry and he was making out with Kendall.

I got up and ran to the bathroom.

I sat down and cried for almost 40 minutes.

I went upstairs and grabbed Hazel.

"Hii." I whispered.

I took her down stairs and watched the movie with her.

"Evelynn?" Harry said.

"Uh yeah?" I asked.

"Can I hold her?" He whispered.

"Um sure." I handed her to him.

He walked over to Kendall and sat Hazel in his lap.

Kendall kept playing with her fingers and the only thing I wanted to do was to slap her so hard.

I cleared my throat loud so she would stop and she did.

"You ok?" El whispered in my ear.


She nodded her head.

"I feel horrible." I said trying to hold back my tears.

That didn't work out so well.

I hugged her and sobbed in her shoulder.

Everyone was looking at us.

She helped me up and brought me into the kitchen.

I was still crying when she sat me down in the chair at our dining room table.

"Shhh." El said and handed me a cup of tea.

Then Louis walked in and sat down next to me.

"Are you ok?" He asked and hugged me.

I shook my head and hugged him back.

"That isn't like Harry to just do that." Elanour said.

"Don't talk about it El." Louis said quietly.

"Why don't you take a nap?" Louis said and smiled.

I shrugged and I made him carry me up the stairs.

"She is going to take a nap guys. Be quiet." El laughed.

Harry was staring at the TV the whole time.

Niall stood up.

He cleared his throat and looked at Harry.

"Harry. Can I talk to you outside."

He nodded and got up.

They walked out side and Louis carried me upstairs.

When he laid me down I heard screaming.

I got up and ran down the stairs even though Zayn and Liam were trying to hold me back I got outside.

Niall was on top of Harry punching him in the face while he was struggling.

I didn't even know what to do. I just stood there.

"Niall." I said quietly.

He stopped and got up.

Harry was bleeding from his nose and mouth.

"You were supposed to be upstairs." Niall yelled at me.

"Next time don't scream and I wouldn't have." I yelled back.

I looked at Harry.

He just sat on the floor holding his stomach.

I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Are you ok?" I asked Harry.

He just moaned in pain.

I gave Niall a dirty look.

I walked back into the house.

"Kendall your boyfriend is hurt." I yelled and walked upstairs.

She shrugged and walked to the bathroom.

"Bitch." I whispered.

I got a wet rag and band aids.

I walked out and Niall was sitting in the chair with his head in his hands.

"Are you crying?" I asked Niall.

"No." He spat.

I walked over to Harry and cleaned up the blood that was now all over his face.

"I think your capable of putting on these your self." I said and put them in his hand.

Harry's POV:

I feel horrible.

Not just because I lost my bestfriend or got beat up but Evelynn just looks heartbroken.

I need to tell her.

I don't give a shit about management.

I got up just to fall down again and she rushed over to me.

She helped me up and set me down in a chair.

It's only been three weeks but I can't do it anymore.

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