Chapter 2

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We make our way back to mine with my music blasting through the car. Becas hand is on my lap and is driving me insane. I swear I'm ready to pull over and have her right here but I don't fancy our first time to be in the back of my shabby old car. No thanks. As we pull up the drive she takes her hand off of my lap and grabs her bag and phone, I take my key out of the ignition and open my door to walk into the house with beca not far behind me. She makes herself comfortable on the sofa and turn on the TV so she can watch dance moms, our all time favourite reality show, while I go and put her stuff in my room and order some pizza from the pizzeria a few blocks away, one Hawaiian and one double pepperoni seeing as beca doesn't like fruit on her pizza.

"babe? do you wanna drink?" I shout to her not realising she's stood right behind me.

"geez princess there's no need to shout and how about some vodka and coke, after this week I feel like I need fifty!" god I swear if anyone listened to our conversations they would probably think me and her are alcoholics!

"my oh my miss Mitchell, surely you should not be drinking at your age you're only 17, you're not even legal to drink in the UK yet" I say teasing her, of course she's gonna get a drink but teasing beca is so much fun!

"chlo you're not funny, I need me some vodka so you can pass me some or move so I can climb up to it. quite frankly i'd prefer it if you got it though because I don't have the energy in me today to climb up there." she's such a child I swear.

" i'll get you some babe, you know I'm only messing with you, beside tipsy beca is one of my favourite beca's not going to lie." she really is. tipsy beca can't keep her hands off me. or should I say my boobs, I mean I'm not complaining, but beside the point.

"good now hurry up!" she says smacking my ass walking out of the kitchen.

"you're lucky I have glasses in my hands otherwise id be chasing you around that front room and you know I can run faster than you so you would have no chance of escaping the torture I would bring!" I shout into the front room to Beca.

"come and get me sexy ass!!" see I told you, child.

"just you wait you bitch!"

"oohhh feisty chloe is out, grrr."

I roll my eyes and finish off pouring our drinks making sure they're strong enough but not strong enough for us to choke on them whilst drinking them.

" you're on"

I place the drinks on the table beside the couch and make my way behind the chair she's sat on and sit on her lap facing her, I grab her face and kiss her passionately. As I'm sat on her lap making out with her the door bell rings. urgh why did I even order pizza?

"hmm princess as much as I would love for this to carry on, pizza's here and I'm starving, but later okay?"

"pwomise?" I say giving her my best puppy dog face even though I know she already means it.

"of course baby, as soon as I have a full 12' pizza in my belly we can carry on, actually add like ten minutes on top of that just to be on the safe side" trust beca to turn a cute moment into a joke, I still love her though.

" hmm okay" planting another quick kiss on her lips before getting up off her knee to answer the door,

" Hawaiian and pepperoni for chloe?" the pizza guy says.

" yep that's me, how much?" I ask grabbing the money my mom left of the side for me.

" for a gorgeous girl like you its on me." oh god is he flirting with me?

" urm thanks..Jason" I say reading his name off of his name tag.

" say chloe do you think you would like to go out tomorrow with me? I mean if you're not busy?"

" thanks but I don't think my girlfriend would be too happy about that so I'm gonna have to politely decline you're invite but thanks for the thought. really I'm flattered." god think is awkward beca come save me from this weird kid.

As if she read my mind she appears beside me with her arm around my waist.

" what's taking so long, my tummy is growling at me, and if you want what you asked for before you best speed up before I get too tired." oh hell no, that little bitch, I will get my make out session( and something more if you catch my drift).

" sorry Jason we have to go now, bye" I say closing the door before he even has time to reply to me.

" what was you and him talking about baby?" beca asks as we walk back into the front room.

" oh he asked me to go out with him tomorrow but I told him you wouldn't be too happy about that, then you showed up right on time to save me from it getting any more awkward than it already was."

"well I'm glad I came then, I guess I'm your knight in shining armour, what do I get in return from the princess" god I know its cheesy but I really do love conversations with her like this.

"hmm well I guess you will have to wait until ten minutes after you've ate that pizza to find out what kind of thanks your going to get"

we quickly eat our pizzas, beca sat with her back against the back of the couch with my legs over hers both our plates resting on my legs.

" baby can we watch a movie or two upstairs in bed, I'm tired. I know you don't really like movies but I promise we can watch one of the ones you don't hate."

"of course baby, as long as I'm with you I don't care what we're doing." tell me she's not the cutest cheeseball ever!

" awe baby, let me lock up and then we can go upstairs, I went shopping the other day for some new clothes too I need your opinion on them." I know she'll love my surprise.

i lock the front door and shut everything off in the front room and we both head up to bed. whilst beca is picking a movie i grab her some sweat pants for bed and go into the closet to put on my surprise for her.

" hey baby, wanna watch lilo and stitch, i know its you favourite." beca shouts to me from my room.

" yeah sure baby as long as you're okay with watching it."

" yep I'm fine with it now hurry up and get your cute butt in here!" how cute can someone be?!

" hmm I need you to look at what I bought today first baby can you come in here for a minute please."


"... can you come in here for a minute please." Chloe says from the closet and as she asked I walk into the closet to find my beautiful girl friend stood with nothing on other than a bra and panties.

" you like them?" she asks me lifting her right eyebrow up slightly. " I saw them and thought, you know who would love these Beca. so I bought them." she's not wrong I do love it.

" my oh my baby, you're so hot it's unbelievable" my girlfriend is truly the best.

"well, come on then don't just stand there, its kinda cold in here." she's adorable.

I make my way over to her place my hands on her hips as she snakes her arms around my neck, I plant a sweet kiss on her lips she instantly deepens the kiss and we begin to make out it becomes more intense, we found our way to the bed and that's where we stayed all night.

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