chapter 5

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its been a couple days since I got the call of dr hadfeild, and although I miss my mom being around things are starting to get into a routine. becas mom told her she could move in with me because my mom and nonna had left me enough money for me to pay off the house and be able to keep it, and me and beca both are looking for jobs to help us with money at becas moms request even though I have enough money to last us a long time anyway.

"beca babyyyyy, you wanna go on a vacay? I need to feel the sun on my skin and sand in my toessss" I shout up to her in my, well our bedroom now.

" yeah we should go somewhere nice and warm, like spain or something like that. where were you thinking, anywhere in particular?" she says walking down the stairs and pulls me towards her by my hips when she reaches the bottom of the stairs.

" hmm, we should go to spain, you've never been, and its a gorgeous place to go. especially at this time of year where the weathers great."

" yeah yeah baby we should, it would be great for us to get away and get some sun on our skin." she says punctuating her sentence by kissing me on the lips.

"great, ill go book it now" and with that I run up the stairs to get my laptop and start planning our getaway.


I watch as she runs away, gosh shes adorable. I'm glad shes starting to feel normal again after everything shes had to deal with.

I text my mom to let her know whats going on as shed be super annoyed if I told her the day we were going.

< hey ma just to let u know me and chlo are gonna go away for a few days uno to get away from everything for abit xx>

(okay honny, as long as you facetime me every couple of nights depending on how long youre there for, make sure you keep your eye on chloe as well, don't let her get into too much trouble while youre there.)

I do love my mom, I'm so glad she understand how much I love chloe and is supportive of it.

< I promise I will momma>

(good girl now tell that daughter in law of mine that she best get her backside here before you two go, infact you too madam, ive missed you two rabbiting down my ear all the time.)

" hey babe, mom said that we best get our asses round to hers before we go coz she misses her daughters aha. " I shout thinking shes still upstairs.

I feel arms wrap around me.

"jeez baby no need to shout and don't worry we can go see her Thursday and stay over until Friday morning but our flight is at 12 that day so well have to take all of our stuff there all packed and ready then just leave from your moms Friday at like 10 ish."

"hmm perfect, I can get my mom to come check up on the house while were there if you want. that way we can stay longer and not have to worry about the it."

chloe just nods her head and kisses me on the lips. and heads upstairs presumably to get a bath or shower, so I just sit on the couch in the front room and stick friends on on Netflix.

around 40 minutes later I feel a certain ginger of mine come and sit on the couch and cuddle into me with damp hair.

" good bath baby?" I ask her while running my hand through her hair.

her only response was a hum, she must be so tired.

" why don't we go put this on in the bedroom tv that way we can fall asleep if we wanna and not end up waking up with massive knots in our necks like last time."

she nods against my neck.

"can you pick me up pleaseeee"  she whines giving me her puppy eyes, she knows I cant say no to.

I roll my eyes playfully and turn to turn off the tv and then back around pick her up then take her with me upstairs to watch some more friends before going to sleep.

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