Chapter 1

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Yume. That was the clan I was born into. My father told me that it translated to mean 'dream'. What good are dreams, I wonder, if they only get shattered?

"Mayumiiii. Mayumi!" My concentration snapped and the kunai dropped to the ground. I sighed. "What is it Yurie?" I looked to my little sister. Her dark brown eyes stared up at me. Eyes that had seen too much for an eight year old. "Papa wants you." "Alright. I'll be there in a minute." I picked the kunai off the ground. I was close this time. I pushed back my dark indigo hair. I wonder if Father will send me out on a mission today. I left the training grounds and headed towards the center of the compound. While I was only twelve, it was not uncommon for me to go out on missions. Sometimes even by myself. Forces were always stretched thin in this warring states era. Besides, I was exceptionally gifted, even among the Yume clan. I arrived at the house where Father was at. He was kneeling in the main room with the two clan elders. This room was used to conduct official clan business. I knelt in front of my father and bowed my head low to the ground. "You requested me Lord Father?" "Yes, I have a mission for you." He was using his clan leader voice. Sometimes I hated that voice. "What is the mission?" I asked. "You will be exploring the southern region, beyond our borders. You've heard the talks about possible expansion in that area. We want you to check it out. We've heard that there resides two powerful warring clans in that direction. Gather as much intel as you can. You will be on your own so try to avoid direct confrontation. We don't want the others to know about our powers just yet." The elder woman to Father's right spoke up. "This mission is expected to last several months. We want to make absolutely sure about the situation before we make our move. It is not expected for everything to be learned in one trip. Be cautious. It would be disadvantageous to lose a kunoichi with your potential." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Sometimes I wonder if they ever saw past my bloodline and the powers that came with it. "How soon should I head out?" I asked. "As soon as you're able," Father said. "Anything else Lord Father?" "No. You are dismissed." I pushed myself to my feet and left the room. Not once did I make eye contact with my father.

I went to my room and started gathering my gear and supplies for my mission. In the middle of my packing, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I answered. The door opened to reveal my younger sister with a sad expression on her face. "I heard you're going on another mission." I sighed and knelt down so my face was level with hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug and I hugged her back. "Promise me you will come back safe," she whispered. "You know I can't promise that," I told her. She sighed. "I know." We both pulled back from our hugs. She reached to her neck and pulled off her necklace. It was a simple cord with a small charm hanging from it. The metal charm was a feathered wing. I had the matching wing hanging around my neck. The symbol was partially an homage to the clan symbol which had a pair of wings in it. () It also symbolized that Yurie and I were direct descendants of the clan leader. She handed me her necklace and I put it around my neck where it hung next to mine. It was a longstanding tradition of ours that our older brother started. Generally, only one of the clan leader's children would be sent out at one time to insure that not all of the children were killed and the bloodline would not die out. So our brother came up with the idea that every time one of us would go on a mission, they would take the necklaces of the other two in hopes that they would return back safely. Unfortunately our brother was killed in battle a couple of years ago, but the tradition still holds among Yurie and I. "May this charm bring you good luck on your mission," Yurie recited. "May the wings of your hope guide me home," I recited back to her. "I wish you didn't have to go," she sobbed. I wrapped her in another hug. "Shh, don't cry Yurie. A shinobi never cries." The phrase came automatically to my tongue but even I could tell it was only a halfhearted chastisement. We held each other for a minute longer before I gently separated her from me. I brushed back her long black hair and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry Yumie. I'll be ok." I gently pushed her towards the door. "Now get going. I have to finish packing." After she left, I finished my packing and headed towards the entrance to the clan compound. The guards at the gate opened it for me and I stood there for a minute in the entryway. I feel like a great change is coming, I thought.

It wasn't until later, that I realized how right I was.

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