Chapter 10

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Hashirama's POV

Madara and I were standing on opposites side of the river. We skipped our stones at the same time and caught each other's rocks.

"That's a good throwing stone. You should hold onto it."

I nodded and Madara and I went our separate ways. As I was walking back to my village, I thought of Mayumi. I wonder how she's doing. I missed her when she left for several days at a time. And even though Madara would never admit to it, I knew that he missed her too. I stared down at the stone in my hand. What do you think of Mayumi, Madara? I heard footsteps approaching so I tucked the stone away.

I looked up to find Tobirama. "Tobirama, what is it?"

"You better come with me elder brother."

I frowned at the note in Tobirama's voice.


I was sitting in front of Father with Tobirama sitting next to me. I was apprehensive of what was going to happen. Father and I had not been talking much lately. "Hashirama, the two children you've been meeting up with..."

"Wait, what? How did you know about that?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Father had me tail you due to my sensory skills."

I felt my stomach twist as I realized what this could mean.

"You've been leaving the compound quite often so I figured something was up. That boy you've been seeing. He's an Uchiha. An Uchiha who has killed adults of our clan. He's apparently quite a skilled shinobi." I clenched my fists as I thought of Madara. I suspected as much.

"But what I'm more concerned about is this girl. Tobirama said she was a skilled shinobi. However, we have nothing to go on for who she is or what clan she is from. Did she ever tell you anything about her clan?"

I shook my head. "No, she never said a word."

"This could be a big problem. She could be from one of the other nations, looking to raid our territory."

"I don't think so," Tobirama said. "She's been around way too long for that. Plus she seems to make periodic trips home that are too short for her to come from one of the other nations," Tobirama reasoned.

I looked over at Tobirama. How long had he been watching us?

"Do you know where she is now?"

"She's back at home," I replied.

Thank god for that. If she was here right now, Father would've probably tried to capture her and interrogate her. I shuddered at the thought.

"Well, let's focus on the Uchiha boy for now then. Hashirama if word spread about this, you could be branded as a traitor. If you do not want to be seen as such, then you must follow the boy tomorrow. You will be gathering intel on the Uchiha clan. If he notices you, kill him."

My blood ran cold at the thought.

Mayumi's POV

My heart was beating in my ears as my feet pounded the forest floor. My breath came out in quick gasps as I pushed my body to go faster. I have to hurry. I have to let them know. I just hope I make it in time.

*Next Day*

I'm almost there. I knew the river was close. Hopefully the boys will be there. I stumbled a bit as I ran. I had been running non-stop since last night and the exhaustion was starting to get to me. As I neared the river, I reached out with my chakra. I skidded to a stop when I realized there wasn't just two chakras. There were six. I suppressed my own chakra and went farther down the river away from the chakras. If I come back up hidden along the trees on the embankment, then I'll have a better view of what's going on. I reached a safe distance then jumped into a tree. I worked my way from tree to tree as quietly and quickly as possible. I saw some figures standing on the river water. Those are definitely shinobi. I worked my way closer so I could figure out what was going on. When I realized what I was seeing my heart leaped into my throat. They're about to fight.

I saw Hashirama and Madara standing on the banks, looking back in horror towards the figures on the water. Based on their appearances, I could only assume that they were Hashirama's and Madara's respective father's and brother's. What happened? How did it come to this? I watched in horror as the two groups charged at each other. I heard Hashirama and Madara yell stop but to no avail. The two fathers matched each other blow for blow. They're equal in strength. Suddenly, both fathers leaped into the air and sent their weapons at each other's sons, who were at a stand off on the water below. No! My mind shrieked. I reached my hand out in a hopelessly desperate attempt to try to change the weapons trajectory. However, my abilities couldn't reach that far and I could do nothing. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see how this would turn out.

Clang!! The sound of struck steel rang through the air. I opened my eyes just in time to see the weapons fall. I noticed a couple rocks that fell with them. Madara and Hashirama must have thrown their stones at the weapons to stop them. The two boys jumped protectively in front of their brothers.

"I will not forgive someone who harms my brother, no matter who they are!" Madara stated defiantly.

"Same here," Hashirama said.

"I guess it's not possible for us to reach that pipe dream of ours Hashirama."


"It was fun with you and Mayumi while it lasted."

I stared down at my clenched fists and tried to stop the tears from spilling. Was it really just a dream? A hopeless dream that could never be achieved? I had blocked out what they were saying until I heard Hashirama yell out Madara's name.

"Are you really going to give up on our dream? After all that Mayumi, you, and I have talked about and been through?"

I wanted so badly to hear him say no, that he hadn't given up. But I knew deep down in my heart that it wasn't going to happen.

"You are Senju while I'm an Uchiha. Our clans have killed each other's siblings. And Mayumi? She doesn't belong in this conflict. It's best if we just let her go."

I thought I saw Madara's eyes flash to me for a second. Does he know I'm here?

"We'll probably meet next on the battlefield Hashirama Senju. I'm....Madara Uchiha."

Madara had turned back towards Hashirama and I heard Hashirama gasp. I didn't understand what had happened until I heard someone mutter 'Sharingan'. Madara awoke his Sharingan? I had heard rumors that the Sharingan only gets awoken when an Uchiha had watched someone close to them die but I guess that's not the case. Did it activate due to the pain of losing his friends? I wasn't sure. But I knew one thing.

Madara wouldn't just be facing Hashirama on the battlefield. He would be facing me as well.

(A/N: Sorry this chapter isn't very original but I thought these scenes were important for this story line. Also I realized this story is based off of just 3 or 4 episodes of Naruto Shippuden XD. Anyways, please heart and comment!)

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