Chapter 12

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(A/N: Just a warning, this chapter does have some violent scenes. I avoided being graphic but there is a few war scenes in case anyone's sensitive.)

I felt detached from reality. I felt like this was happening to another person, in another life. My body seemingly moved on its own. I barely noticed when Father ordered the charge and I ran into the fray. I barely noticed when I was met with my first foe and sliced him down, and slightly registered that he was a young Senju man. I barely noticed when I felt the man's blood sprinkle my face.

"Mayumi, watch out!"

The yell broke my trance as my senses sharpened on my surroundings. I looked up just in time to see an Uchiha swinging his blade at my throat. Without even a second thought, I used my telekinesis to raise a kunai to block the sword. The sound of steel rang through the air as blade met blade. The Uchiha frowned at what I'm sure was an odd sight for him. He jumped back and performed a couple of hand signs. He brought his hand to his mouth and blew.

What came out was a fireball.

The fireball was about the size of a small boulder and it burned hot. I flipped to the side to avoid its path. I could feel the heat singe my hairs as it flew past. I almost didn't notice the kunai that was heading straight towards my face. I managed to freeze it in midair.

"What an unusual jutsu."

I looked up to see the Uchiha's eyes had turned red. He's activated his Sharingan. I'm going to have to be extra careful.

"It reminds me a bit of the puppet jutsus although your jutsu does not require chakra threads to manipulate objects."

I turned the kunai I caught towards him. He easily dodged it and charged at me again. I brought my own short sword out as he swung at my right flank. I parried his blow and did a sweeping kick. He jumped over my foot and used the momentum to land back a short distance. He pulled 3 kunai out of his pack and threw them at me. Nice try. I stopped the three kunai.

Wait, where did he go?

My instincts suddenly screamed at me to drop. I dropped onto my stomach, just barely missing the fireball that flew past me. That was a close one. I could not relax however as I felt I was still in peril. I flipped on my back just in time to see the Uchiha driving his sword down towards my stomach.

I didn't even think, I just reacted.

A searing pain burned through my skull as I focused all my power on stopping the Uchiha and his sword.

The end of the sword came to a stop just a hairsbreadth away from piercing my flesh. I looked into the Uchiha's face to see that he was in shock. It seemed he was unable to move. I quickly moved out of the way and stood up. Before he had the chance to recover, I slammed the handle of my short sword onto his skull. He collapsed onto the ground like a sack of potatos.

The battle continued on around me as I tried to calm down from the near death experience. A wave of dizzines overcame me, almost taking me off of my feet. However, my reprieve was short lived as I felt someone stumble into my back. I quickly spun around with my sword at the ready. I almost gasped at the familiar face.

It was Hashirama.

His eyes met mine and shock crossed his face.

But we were enemies now. I kept my guard up and watched him warily. He took note of my stance and sadness seemed to enter his expression.

"Does your dream to see peace still exist Mayumi?"

His question caught me off guard. After all I've learned today, could I still want peace? My emotions swirled in uncertainy and my heart ached. But as I looked around at the surrounding battlefield, I realized my answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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