Chapter 2

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I was leaping through the trees in the forest. I wonder if these wars will ever stop. I hated the constant battling and the fear that the next time, someone might not be coming home. I hated especially that there was a risk my sister would get killed. After our brother Itaru died, I promised myself that I would do anything to protect Yumie. As I was deep in thought, a kunai came flying out of the forest. I dodged the blade and jumped down to the ground. Three ninja jumped down in front of me. "Well well well. Look what we found here. It looks like a little mouse has lost its way." The man in the front spoke. I reached into my pouch and pulled out a kunai. The man to the right laughed. "Looks like this mouse has teeth. How foolish for you to be out on your own little mouse. Its going to cost you your life." I grimaced. Looks like I'm going to have to fight after all. The first ninja charged me head on with a sword. I blocked his blow with my kunai. As we parried blows, I felt a presence behind me. I dropped the kunai in my hand as I did a back flip over the ninja behind me. He punched the ground where I was at with a stone fist. An Earth style user. They have no idea who they're messing with. I focused my thoughts and the kunai I dropped stopped mid fall. Hidden Jutsu: telekinetic kunai. I concentrated on the kunai and sent it flying through the Earth ninja's throat. He dropped to the forest floor. The first ninja's eyes widened. "What the hell?" he said. This was the hidden power of my clan. We had telekinetic abilities and I was the most powerful one. I sent the kunai back around to attack the ninja. He parried the blows. I took out another kunai and sent it after him as well. That should keep him sufficiently distracted. While he was busy parrying the blows of the two kunai, I sneaked around to his unprotected back. I took out my short sword and stabbed him through the heart. I tried to make every death as quick and painless as possible when I could. He choked and fell to the ground as well. I sheathed my sword and I let the kunais drop. Well that's taken care of. Suddenly, I felt a hand cover my mouth and an arm wrap around my waist and arms. Damn, I forgot about the third ninja! The hand was cloaked in water and it was pouring into my airways so I couldn't breathe. I struggled against the hold but it was no use. "Just relax. I'm not going to kill you. You have valuable techniques. We could use those powers. Don't fight it and it will all be over soon," he cooed into my ear. Like hell it will! My brain started to go fuzzy as I struggled for air. I writhed in the man's grip and just managed to loosen my arms to form a hand sign. My hands weaved together. Lightning style: Lightning cloak! My body was soon covered in lightning. I felt the man convulse. He let go of me and fell backwards. As soon as he let me go, I started coughing the water out. I took a few deep breaths and turned back to the man. His muscles were still twitching involuntarily as he lay there on the ground. He glared at me as our eyes met. I walked over to him with a kunai. I held it over his heart. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you live." I stabbed the kunai into his chest and watched as his eyes became lifeless. I left the kunai in his chest and sat on the ground.

My hands started shaking and tears came to my eyes. I raised my hands to see that they were covered in blood. I have to get it off. I need water. I tried to calm my mind for a second. I closed my eyes and listened. I hear running water. I got up and immediately started running towards the sound. I soon came upon a river. I dunked my hands into the water and started furiously scrubbing. Shinobi don't cry. Shinobi don't cry. I chanted to myself. But I couldn't stop the sobs that wrenched from my chest. "Hey, are you okay?" Without even thinking, I twisted towards the sound and brought out my short sword. I held it pointing towards the intruder. It was two boys, around my age. One had black spiky hair and dark eyes. The one who spoke had dark brown hair in a short haircut. "I told you, she's a shinobi. She's dangerous," the black haired boy said. "Look at her Madara. She can barely hold her sword. She's no danger to us," the brunette told him. I looked down at my sword. It was true. My hand was shaking like a leaf and I could barely hold the sword up. I let it go and it clattered down on the rocks. I fell to my knees. I looked down at the ground and said, "If you're going to kill me, just make it quick." "Whoa whoa whoa. Nobody's doing any killing. Just relax." I looked up to see the brunette walking slowly towards me with his hands up. "Hashirama!" the other boy hissed. The boy knelt in front of me and put a hand on his chest. "I'm Hashirama and this is my friend Madara. What's your name?" He gave me a kind smile. He seems full of good intentions. "Mayumi." "Are you hurt Mayumi?" I shook my head. "N-no. I'm just a bit shook up." "Why don't you come sit with us for a little bit and have some food. I'm sure you'll feel better in no time." "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Madara seethed. Suddenly, it was like a dark cloud passed over Hashirama. His face went downcast and he answered in a depressed voice. "I just thought she could be our friend. Is that such a bad thing?" Madara sighed. "Depressed as usual I see. Fine. But I'm keeping an eye on her." Hashirama immediately perked back up. "Great!" I looked confusedly between the two. What just happened? Hashirama picked my sword up from the rocks and handed it towards me. "Here. This is yours isn't it?" The way Hashirama handled the sword suggested he was used to handling weapons. I also noticed Madara tensing and changing his stance. His stance was typical of a shinobi about to go into battle. So they're both shinobi huh? And yet, I felt that I was in no immediate danger with these two. I gently took the sword and sheathed it. "Thank you." I smiled at Hashirama. "See? You look much prettier with a smile."

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