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It started slowly, but it grew quickly.

I, like, Kayaba Akihiko, desired a way to preserve myself forever. If he found a way to download his consciousness, why couldn't I?

It took me six years, and it was a bit hard sering as I was stuck inside a mental hospital. Ever since my preteens I've been classified "insane". It's boring, yet satisfying in one of those unearthly ways you can't explain.

I finally managed it on the tiny computer I snuck from the main office. While downloading my own consciousness, I somehow comprehended all of the Internet itself. While I made myself immortal, I became the Internet. I would die when the Internet died, but I was also in the Internet, so I could never truly die.

Once I entered Undertale (for free, obviously) I became... Excited. My mind narrowed into the game I was in and the knowledge I'd already had. I was ready.

Flowey was first. I came upon him and was instantly paralysed. My familiar white FIGHT area came up around me, though most who fell down here didn't know that.

"Oh, you pulled me into a fight," I muttered. "I always wondered why I couldn't move when you apprehended me. That's why, I guess. Bummer. I wanted to kill you now."

Flower tilted his little head. "What?"

"I guess now I just sit around and wait for Tori to show up." I sat down in my box, watching as my soul followed me.

When Tori blasted Flowey, I was held in a mental struggle. I had one simple, twisted purpose - and it wasn't happy sunshine.

"Sorry, Tori." I turn to her with a sympathetic sigh. "I don't have time for cinnamon butterscotch pie right now. I need to see Sans."

I pull a little knife out of my pocket and drive it into her chest, not giving her enough tomeryo react. Eyes wide, she crumbles to dust.

I make my way through the ruins, deciding to sleep on her bed before going on my way again. It is not long until I hear the crunching footsteps, and a sardonic smile spreads across my face as I wait for him.

I play pretend, knowing that I can't kill him now. If I want to unlock the boss fight, I need to play my cards correctly. I need to finish this right.

Papyrus. Undyne. Mettaton. Alphys.

"Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming."

I smile.

"On a day like this, kids like you..."

We speak the next words together, ow voices mixing in the still air. "Should be burning in hell."

Another death. Another, Another, Another. I know it is because Flowey is not letting me die, but somehow I also know that Sans is keeping me dead. That thought keeps me motivated to keep dying. After all, what better death?

"Why did you do that?" Sand asked me, blood pouring out of his side. He's starting to face to dust, but I know it is a play. In a few seconds, he will be back.

"I killed all of them for you," I told him, my craziness finally peeking through. "Sans, there is truly no better death than from your hands. Every time you kill me, I can come back. Sans, I am not truly alive outside this world.  You are my ultimate judgement. Even if I take a break, I will always come back to die by your hands. I would kill the world if it meant I would die by your hands." My eyes start to flicker. "Sans, I will alter the timeline. I will alter the timeline. I will alter -"

Flash of blue. Through a smoky haze, I saw my soul crack and fall apart.


Seven years later, I stepped through the RUINS. I know that Sans is there. He waits for me. I entered under a different name, but he knows it's me.

"Welcome back to Undertale, Itami," he greets me. "You didn't kill Toriel?"

"There's always room for something new, right?" I glance around. "Not much has changed."

"I'll be keeping my eye on you, kid," he tells me with a glare. "Timeline or not, you've got unfortunate history."

"I just got out of the hospital, Sansy boy." I give him a half-grin. "I guess that's granted, though."

"Only one of us is doing a mercy run, Itami," Sans warns me.

My grin takes over my face. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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