07 • this kind of girl

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Claire and Andi arrived at Dylan and Cole's apartment building a little while later and Claire almost immediately branched off to go to Dylan's. She smiled cheekily at Andi and gave her a thumbs-up before disappearing down the hallway.

Andi found Cole's apartment number and knocked on his door lightly. It swung open a moment later to reveal Cole standing there with silly grin on his face.

"Hello, Anderson," he said, watching as she rolled her eyes at the use of her full name.

"Hi," she whispered, instantly shy. They'd been texting nonstop, but it had been almost a month since she'd actually seen him in person. Even though they'd had so much chemistry when they'd first met, Andi couldn't help but wonder if it was still going to be there or if it was some sort of one-time thing.

"I thought Claire was coming with you?" Cole asked as she stepped inside.

"Oh... she went to see Dylan. Apparently they've gotten pretty hot and heavy over the past few weeks," she explained, her eyes darting to his. He grinned at her again and then bit his lip, his eyes making their way over her body.

"Lucky them," he said, stepping closer to her and lightly trailing two fingers down the bare skin of her arm. Goosebumps broke out over her skin at once and she smiled.

"Cole... I just want you to know... I'm not this kind of girl..." Andi trailed off, and he scoffed.

"What kind of girl, Anderson?" he asked, stepping closer to her, his eyes sparkling in a way that made him look adorable.

"This girl who just... does this stuff... meets random guys and..." Andi trailed off again, and Cole laughed.

"And what?" he asked, close enough to her that she could smell his musky cologne and spearmint on his breath.

"And whatever is about to happen," she said, her eyes boring into his.

"Mm, maybe some of this?" he whispered, leaning in and pushing his lips gently onto hers.

"Maybe," she agreed, smiling into his kiss.

"For the record, I'm not this kind of girl either," he told her, smiling and taking her hand. He led her to his bedroom, and she giggled as he playfully tackled her backwards onto the huge soft bed.

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