30 • answer the door

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chatting with: Jughead Jones 👑

Jughead Jones 👑:
Can we talk?

of course. do you want me to come over?

Jughead Jones 👑:
No. It'll be easier for me to say what I need to say over text.

oh. okay.

Jughead Jones 👑:
I know that neither you or Dylan are even sure if anything happened. I know that it probably didn't. I know that if it did, it was because you were drunk and stupid and not because you were trying to hurt me or just sleep together for the hell of it. I know that you thought he was me or whatever if it did happen.

And I love you. I love you so fucking much, Anderson. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone or anything in my whole life. I don't want to lose you over this. I don't want to lose you over anything ever.

It's going to take me a long time to work my way through this probably. I've told you that similar things have happened with Dylan before and it gets harder and harder to accept it every time and it's the hardest it's ever been this time because I'm convinced that you're the love of my life, Sunshine.

I'm sorry that I've ignored you these past few weeks, but it's been because I've been doing everything in my power to work through this shit.

and now?

Jughead Jones 👑:
And now you should answer the door. 

~door bell rings~

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