20 • never getting drunk again

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When Andi woke up the next morning, her head felt like it was being repeatedly stabbed over and over by a very angry person with a pick axe. She sat up in bed slowly, looking around Lili's guest room. She didn't remember most of the night before, unsurprisingly. She'd started drinking the moment she'd arrived at Lili's; Camila had all but poured a shot down her throat as soon as she'd walked in the door.

Raking a hand through her tangled hair, she looked down at the sleeping boy beside her and took a quick double take, panic rising quickly inside of her. His face was mostly smushed into the pillow that he had his arms wrapped around, but his hair was longer and lighter than it should have been. Alarmed, she jumped out of the bed, relieved to find that she was fully clothed, at least. She took a final look at Dylan's sleeping form and exited the room quickly, trying to be as quiet as she could.

Stepping through the sliding glass doors that led to the backyard, she rummaged through her handbag that she'd found on the floor of the living room. She pulled out a pack of Marlboros and lit one, inhaling deeply.

"How ya doin', babes?" a female voice asked, startling her. She whipped around to see Lili sitting in a sunny corner of the patio, a cup of coffee in her hand and a book open on the small table in front of her.

"Fuck, Lil. You scared me," Andi said, walking over and plopping heavily down into a chair beside her. "Any idea why I just woke up next to the wrong fuckin' twin?" Andi asked, and Lili's eyes widened.

"You... WHAT?" Lili asked, leaning close. Andi nodded, taking another drag from her cigarette.

"I just woke up in your fucking guest room in bed with my boyfriend's twin brother who is also my best friend's boyfriend," she said, and Lili snorted slightly. Andi gave her a death glare and she shook her head.

"Sorry. Obviously not funny, but when you spell it out like that it just sounds like a cartoon or something. You didn't... do it or anything, did you?" Lili asked, and Andi shook her head uncertainly.

"I don't think so. I was fully clothed and so was he, and I don't think either of us would have had the insight to put our clothes back on if anything had happened."

"Well, I'm sure nothing happened. You probably just collapsed and happened to both be in the same bed," Lili said, both of them jumping slightly when the sliding door behind them creaked open.

"Who was in the same bed?" Cole's voice asked, and Andi blinked hard and took a deep breath. Lili shot her a look and shook her head slightly, obviously trying to indicate that she shouldn't say anything.

"Uh, funny thing. I kinda just woke up next to... Dylan?" Andi said, not turning to face him. She stared at Lili and watched her watch Cole instead. She heard footsteps and then Cole's face appeared right in front of hers.

"What?" he asked, his eyes wide. "I think I must've misheard you."

"I just woke up next to Dylan? Nothing happened though, Cole," she said, and he cocked his head to the side.

"You're sure?" he asked, and Andi cast another glance at Lili, who shrugged and shook her head slightly.

"Well, no. I don't remember how we got into bed together, but we were both fully clothed and I know we wouldn't have done anything, even drunk," she said, watching as Cole processed her words.

"I... don't know how to feel about this," he said, turning and walking back inside slowly.

"Cole..." Andi said his name, but he didn't respond. His back disappeared into the house and Andi turned to look at Lili.

"That went... well?" Lili asked, reaching across the table to put a hand on Andi's arm.

Andi nodded slowly, putting her aching head down onto the table.

"I'm never getting drunk again," she mumbled to Lili, who put her hand on Andi's shoulder and rubbed lightly.

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