Is this art?

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(Those drawings are so amazing!!!! Not mine obviously,and these vids are what I was watching previously)

This chapter is more of a rant about art and what I think of it. Art is something that people make out of their passion,and even though you don't like the style,it's still can be considered as art because of how it took time to make it and perfect it.

I've been really debating to change my art style because it's a manga type of style,and I have watched videos of artists that I admire say stuff about their professors saying that the anime style isn't art,or make it more abstract,and it feels like I'm being crushed by an invisible force because I have that type of style,and it makes me feel sad because they say that it's not a real art style.

Is realism the only thing that can be accepted,I mean it's very good,but is it the only thing acceptable? Does everything need to be abstract? I'm not close to the age of going to college,but I still feel like I'm being told that any anime style is not a style.

It's something I took years and hard work just to get on a decent level of drawing,and I'm already hearing that my art style isn't art.

Should I switch my art style? I can't decide anymore.

Thanks for reading my stupid rant.

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