Scene Three

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     Signless  and Dolorosa made it to the Stinging Scorpion, an inn in an unnamed village. In the inn, Signless and Dolorosa walked past a group of trolls that had escaped the City of a Thousand Candles. What once was a beautiful bustling city, it lay there in a fiery chaos reduced to ashes.
     They were lucky to even make it out before the fire had blocked them in. One of the trolls glared at him, and once he walked past, he heard their conversation. He wished he hadn't noticed them at all, especially since they sounded angry.
     "If he's made it this long, he should be able to make it on his own."
     Another troll in the group chimed in with "Yeah! He shouldn't have to put 'is pretty friend in danger either!"
     "Would ya quit thinkin' with yer bulge and think with yer head fer just a second!" the third one said as he nudged him in the side with his elbow. He growled in agreement as he rubbed his ribs.
     Signless knew that he and the Dolorosa were welcome there, especially him. He told her what just happened as discreetly as possible. Dolorosa nodded. They ate and drank fast, and left even faster.

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