Scene Four

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     "So walk with me. Walk with me." 
     The Dolorosa had been thinking again. She though about when she first found Signless as a young grub, all alone and wandering in the desert. He was so cold, so lost, and so scared. She picked the young candy red grub up and held him close. Dolorosa looked at the entrance to the Mother Grub's den and looked back at the young grub. She knew what she had to do.
     Signless saw a tear fall down her right cheek as she smiled softly. 
     "What's wrong?" he asked.
     "I was thinking back to when I found you in the desert. Instead of killing you like I should have, I ignored that option, I didn't even think of it. Instead I chose to take you and abandon my duties of taking care of the Mother Grub."
     Signless pondered on that thought. It led him to another thought, one which he now understands unlike his younger self did. He was only 3 sweep (6 1/2 years) old then. Dolorosa held his hand and placed it above her heart as she looked him in the eyes. She told him that they'd be going on a very long walk and that they could finally go back to a city they called home.
     "Don't let this symbolism kill your heart."
When Signless first started speaking, he spoke about his sign, but not very much. Only seven trolls had shown up then, so he hadn't been worrying that much. But with each sermon he held, the more trolls showed up.
     "Walk with me, walk with me;"
One day, Signless, Dolorosa, and Disciple had went through a forest.  Not only had it been the same one that they had found Disciple in, but it's where she mostly grew up.
     Signless used to think she was rather annoying when Dolorosa had first allowed her to travel with them, and that she would only just slow them down. After time, he grew rather fond of her. After he saw how helpful she really was, he wished she could have been with them in the past.
     "Walk with me, walk with me. Don't let this fucking world tear you apart."
     Signless had been at his largest sermon ever, with Dolorosa standing by his side and Disciple gog knows where. What he didn't know, or rather what he didn't listen to, was that Disciple knew something bad was going to happen. She had a dream about an ambush and Grand Highblood. Fire followed them and various colors of blood stained the ground of what is now the Field of Souls. 
     Signless spoke about the blood wars. They had become more violent. The discrimination within the social classes was shown more and more everyday. He also spoke about many other topics. He explained that when things take a turn for the worse, that they should stick together no matter how bad everything was.
     Suddenly, one of his listeners screamed. The faint crackle of fire was heard in the background and one of The Condesce's  ships flew overhead, making what sounded like a mix between a whirring and a whooshing noise. The silhouettes of tall trolls with long wavy horns could hardly be seen against the massive fire since it was so bright.
     Signless knew he should have listened to Disciple. The Highbloods were coming.

XIX: A Song Without A SignWhere stories live. Discover now