The boy behind me

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I got up at the scream if my alarm clock
"Son of a biotchhh" I whijed as I got up and pulled on some clothes  ..nothing special
Just a skin tight black long sleeved shirt and a pair of Super skinny jeans with ripps all over them ..I wore converse also..I left my hair down ...i put on some eyeliner and mascara and grabbed my bag,and keys along with my helmet

On the way out i told my dad goodbye then headed to my new school..LA Push high is supposedly a good school guess I get to find out today

I pulled in ...of course everybody looked at me due to my loud motorcycle when I pulled in

Everybody is so .....Pale
I took my helmet off and looked around ...I could easily point out who to avoid
the jocks...eww...trash
Sorority bitches...Bye thanks would be a long day

I walked into the school and saw alot of lip licking towards me and whistling that interests me not  ..ugh

I came to what was supposedly my class and ..WELL HELL I'M LATE !

"Ahhh you must Be Taylor?"a male teacher asked
"In the flesh"I said
"SHES HOT" again a disgusting Jock ..I rolled my eyes at him

"We have saved you a seat over there "the teacher pointed to a desk beside a OH ..MY...LAWD
I sat down in the seat  next to what I thought was a male stripper because DAMN...and tried to avoid his weird gazing

After the teacher left the room...people went crazy
"How are you so tan"a girl said
"The sun ...which you haven't seen much of" I said
"Do they make more of you goddesses?"the Jock said
"If they do you can have the other ones"I said
The boy beside me chuckled looking out the window now
"Do you have a name or can I call you mine"another jock ..ugh go die
"If you call me yours  I will call you in the grave early"I said rolling my eyes
"I like this one...sarcastic and HOT" ..I hate jocks
The boy beside me rolled his eyes still saying nothing
"so see you at seven?"The same Jock
" i-"he cut me off !!
"Hey baby can I get your digits"another DAMNED JOCK
The boy beside me started looking anoyed

"Hey Darren don't you have a football to choke on?"the boy said
I like him already
"Shut up Black!"the jock said
The boy glared at him
The Jock along with everybody else sat back down
The boy let go of his glare and started talking to me
"Hi"he said
"Hey"I told him
"I'm Jacob,Jacob Black"he said
"Taylor" I said and I held out my hand
He shook my hand and the second our skin touched I felt butterflies in my stomach ....he shook my hand instead of slapping my ass AMAZING..!!
"So where you from?"he asked
"New York"I said
"Wow...that's a long way you have family or something here?"he asked
"My cousin lives in Forks her name is Bella...swan" I said
"Your related to Bella!???"he said
"Yeah I know ...we look nothing alike but her father is my dads brother" I said
"She used to be my best friend"he said looking kinda down
"Bella never talks about anything except for her boyfriend and her cactus but I don't know how she could leave YOU out ...I mean"I stumbled over my words
He chuckled "yeah  she's kinda ....distant...with Edward constantly fallowing her around it makes it complicated to talk to her"Jacob said


"I guess he's scared of losing his girl to you" I laughed jokingly
He chuckled
"Your the first girl that hasn't either Thrown their self at me or called me a drug dealer" he said with a smile
"Well I am not a cheap sex lady or judge judy"I said
"Glad somebody isn't trying to be both"he said
He is really starting to make me like him...ALOT
"Well if it makes you feel any better your the only person in this room that I don't want to hit in the head with a rock"I laughed
"To bad the rocks are outside"Jacob laughed

"Such a shame"I said laughing
"Jacob,Taylor... Is there something you'd like to share with the class"the teacher said

"Uhm nope ...we're gonna shut up now "Jacob said
I chuckled a little
The teacher turned back to the board and started talking again

Jacob gave me a short smile before writing notes down in his notebook ...he has GREAT handwriting !!

After class there was a pep rally .....ughghghghg
Boys had to sit on one side of the bleachers and the girls on the other side is this!?

I sat next to a girl that looked pretty chill

"So your the new girl..hi ..I'm Gray"she said
"Taylor"I said and I glanced over at Jacob who was ..ALREADY STARING AT ME ...UM WOW

Gray noticed my glance and said
"Jacob Black...totally hot ...he looks like a gang banger or a drug dealer or something ...he's got some anger issues most likely kick the football teams ass ...well he has once but ...he is kind of a weird dude ...he hangs out with his buddies and they all have the same tattoo on their right shoulder I said probably a gangbanger or drug dealer"Gray said
"Does he have a girlfriend?"I asked
"Black hasn't even been kissed but since his haircut and weird body changes chicks are magnetic to him but he just tells them to go away ....typical bad boy "she said
"I see"I said
"He's actually not a bad hoy but he looks like one ...I have never actually spoken to him before but he is sexy as hell"Gray says
"I agree "I said
We laughed and I glanced over again at Jacob ...and HE IS STILL STARING..
"He looks like a stalker right now"gray inferred
"Agreed"I said
"My cousin used to be his bff or something like that and he seems really nice...he talked to me in math class and shooed the EFF boys away"I said
"Your so lucky...Jacob Black actually spoke to you"she said
I laughed
"Do you want to sit with me at lunch...I have been here for the entire year and literally have Jo friends"Gray says
"Sounds lit" I say
I glanced at Jacob one more time and he smiled at me
I blushed

"My heart is as disorganized as the five dollar movie bin at Walmart right now "I told Gray
"It happens"she said sipping her coke
I laughed

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